Locks of Love: How to Sell Your Hair Locally and Make Money

sellmy hairs
3 min readOct 14, 2023



Have you ever wondered if you could make some extra cash by selling your hair? Well, you’re not alone! Many people are surprised to discover that their beautiful tresses could be worth more than they thought. We’ll explore how to sell your hair, how much you can expect to earn, and where you can sell your hair locally.

How to Sell Your Hair:

Prepare Your Hair:

  • Before you think about selling your hair, you should ensure it’s healthy and well-cared for. Regularly shampoo, condition, and trim your hair to keep it in top condition.

Find a Buyer:

  • There are several ways to find potential buyers for your hair:
  • Online Hair Marketplaces: Websites like HairSellon and OnlineHairAffair connect hair sellers with interested buyers.
  • Social Media: You can create listings on platforms like Instagram or Facebook.
  • Hair Salons: Some high-end salons may be willing to buy hair for wigs and extensions.

Set a Fair Price:

  • The price of your hair depends on several factors, including its length, color, and quality. You can browse online marketplaces to get an idea of the going rates. Keep in mind that longer, unprocessed hair usually fetches a higher price.

Create a Listing:

  • If you’re using an online marketplace, create a detailed listing with high-quality photos. Describe your hair, including its length, color, and any unique features.

How Much Can I sell My Hair For?

The price of hair varies widely, but you can expect to earn anywhere , depending on the quality and length of your hair. Here are some general guidelines:

  • Short hair (6–10 inches) might sell.
  • Medium-length hair (10–20 inches) .
  • Very long hair (20 inches or more) .
  • Keep in mind that rare hair colors (such as natural red or blonde) and hair that has never been dyed or treated tend to command higher prices.

Where Can I Sell My Hair Locally ?

If you prefer to sell your hair locally rather than online, here are some options to consider:

  • High-End Salons: Inquire at upscale hair salons in your area if they are interested in purchasing hair for their clients.
  • Wig Makers: Some wig makers or manufacturers may be interested in buying human hair for their products.
  • Local Beauty Schools: Contact local beauty schools, as they might use real hair for training purposes.


Selling your hair can be a unique and profitable way to make some extra money. The process involves preparing your hair, finding a buyer, setting a fair price, and creating a detailed listing. The amount you can earn depends on factors like the length and quality of your hair. Whether you choose to sell your hair online or locally, with the right approach, you can turn your luscious locks into a valuable asset. So, if you’ve been contemplating a big hair change, why not consider selling it and making a bit of cash in the process?

