100 Things My Friends Learnt in Lockdown.

Selma Bambur
5 min readMay 1, 2020

I asked 20 friends to tell me 5 things they’ve learnt in Lockdown.

Illustration by: Osama from Dubai

I was thinking about some of the things I’ve learnt during my time in lockdown and I suddenly became curious to know what some of my closest friends would answer if I asked them to pick 5. So I sent the question around the world to my nearest and dearest and here’s what they had to say!

“What 5 things have you learnt during Lockdown?”

Josh — Bath

  1. Online Dating is HARD WORK
  2. No one cares about Brexit anymore
  3. How to make carbonara
  4. Model making is actually boring
  5. How to save money

Osama — Dubai

  1. You’ll never do something unless you set a time to do it in
  2. Motivational speakers are full of sh*t
  3. It’s easy to stay inside, unless you’re forced to
  4. You get better with practice, my drawing has improved
  5. I miss the office, sometimes you need a break from family

Irfan — London

  1. To enjoy cooking at home
  2. What budgeting actually looks like



Selma Bambur

Designer, environmentalist, innovation strategist. www.selmabambur.com Writing about: Creativity, Innovation, Design, Environment