CI\CD for GCP Serverless Cloud Functions — 001

Soliman ElSaber
7 min readMay 5, 2019

Serverless is a very funny approach to developing new world cloud software. All the cloud vendors (as I know) are supporting it and investing a lot in enhancing its capabilities.

This is Part 1, an introduction to the basic steps. In Part 2, adding test cases are explained.

Recently, I used the GCP — Cloud Functions to build and run an interesting event tracking pipeline. The goal was providing real-time data gathering and analysing for hundreds of thousands of events come in the same time frame. The approach included getting data from multiple apps, and cleaning it and sending it in newer formats to different destinations. We choose to build this in a serverless style.

We were apple to achieve our goals in reliability, scalability and efficiency. But with the continued growth of the requirements and the new opportunities appears after every successful upgrade in our serverless app, we need to update and deploy the functions again.

When you are working on serverless, it is not one deployment issue, it is multiple separated functions that you need to redeploy separately.

That was the time we decided that we need a CI\CD in our serverless life… and I googled it… Implemented it… and writing it down now to read it later again…

Start with a simple function:

Let’s build a simple function first, the basic GCP — CF function.

