Australian Dream

Richard Seltzer
1 min readApr 8, 2022

Dialogue with the Almost Dead

— Why do you paint yourself with ugly scary shapes, white like bone?

— Because the meat that is me is as good as dead. The meat is nothing. The white stranger does what he wishes with it. The stranger erases us. But we are more than meat. We are idea. The idea that is us we paint on this weak and dying flesh .

— But I have seen pictures on rock and on cloth that are like the pictures you paint on yourself. Surely, you have done this always, for hundreds and thousands of generations.

— No. Before the stranger came, we had no need for that. Our meat world was joyful. And when the meat died, we celebrated the idea that walks forever in dreamspace. Back then, we painted the dead meat like today we paint the as-good-as-dead. And we painted those pictures on rock and on cloth as well. And their ideas still walk and sing in dreamspace and will forever. But today, our meat life is painful and sad. In our sleep, we see the ideas that are our true selves. And we paint ourselves with those images that are the real us of dreamspace. All else is illusion.

List of Richard’s other essays, stories, poems and jokes.



Richard Seltzer

His recent books include Echoes from the Attic, Grandad Jokes, Lizard of Oz, Shakespeare'sTwin Sister, To Gether Tales. and Parallel Lives,