Grandad Jokes, Batch #9

Richard Seltzer
3 min readOct 5, 2021
Buy the book Grandad Jokes at Amazon

from the section Nonsensical Science, Philosophy, History and Religion in the book Grandad Jokes


After his assassination,

Julius Caesar went to the New World

and taught Latin to the natives.

That’s how it came to be known as Latin America.


It is always better to pray

than to be prey.


It’s important to act

your rage.


After his heart stopped

he was lost,

he didn’t know what to do,

he was totally out of his death.


If Jesus was a carpenter,

why weren’t any of his parables based on carpentry?

An author, inventing him,

wouldn’t make such an amateur mistake.

Hence he wasn’t invented.


Someone tweeted —

“Mind is like an umbrella. It only works when open.

I replied —

And once you open it, dig in, dig deep.

Only then will it be truly mined.


As the Lorax said —

May the forest be with you.


Life is a multistage rocket.

You didn’t design it,

so you don’t now where this stage will take you

and if there might be others after that.

Don’t get stage fright.

Enjoy the ride.


presence means

just being —

human being


The student of genetic engineering

learned how to sew seeds,

but didn’t consider the unintended consequences,

so he was sued,

and wound up in the sewer.


What does your soul look like?

It’s the shape of my foot,

and wears a purple wig.


When he did heart transplants,

the surgeon inserted a tiny LED bulb,

powered by blood circulation.

He wanted his patients to be light hearted.


When the burning bush spoke,

the tree said,

“I beleave you.”


Socrates expressed his gratitude by saying,

“Think you very much.”


Eeorye’s Chinese cousin apologized by saying,

“So sourly please.”


Every year on the fourth Thursday of November

Socrates celebrated Thinksgiving.

with a feast of food for thought.


Einstein forgot his wife’s birthday.

But he didn’t waste any energy over that.

He realized that it didn’t matter.

He could always time-travel back and fix such mistakes.

But when he died, his time-travel license was revoked.


Reading Pierce Penniless by Nashe. The London pamphlets of Elizabethan days were like today’s tweets. Rapidly dashed off commentary on contemporary events and people, sometimes humorous, sometimes venomous. Tech changes. But much of human nature remains constant.


The changing temperament of Congress.

There used to be bargaining and trading for votes,

an aye for an aye.

Now it’s power politics,

an eye for an eye.


What do you call it

when a ritual circumcision

is performed on December 25?



If the world is hard to see,

don’t go to an optician

or optometrist

or an ophthalmologist.

Go instead to an optimist,

and get a prescription for rose-colored glasses.


Basic assumptions —

God is multi-sided, not just three.

God chills.

That’s the meaning of

“All Gods chillin’.”


An everything is something

that lasts forever.


Variant of the Eden story —

Eve touches the apple and it turns to gold

and that’s the original sin

mankind’s gilt.


On the brink of losing his life, he prayed God for a second.

God granted his wish

and was so generous as to give him a minute.

Buy the book Grandad Jokes at Amazon

List of Richard’s other jokes, stories and essays.



Richard Seltzer

His recent books include Echoes from the Attic, Grandad Jokes, Lizard of Oz, Shakespeare'sTwin Sister, To Gether Tales. and Parallel Lives,