Grandad Jokes, Batch #122

Richard Seltzer
3 min readAug 5, 2022
Buy the book Grandad Jokes at Amazon

From the section Bedtime Whimsy and Romance of the book Grandad Jokes.


He was delighted to learn that his date

was a music lover.

He, too, liked doing it to music.


The new-normal Saturday night,

updating instead of dating —

sending emails to old girl friends.


Which bird has two penises?

the cock-a-two


Friendship is a

communicable disease.


When she first encountered a ghost

it was love at first fright.


Why did Santa shop at a sex boutique?
He needed shocking stuffers.


He misunderstood her tastes.

He thought she wanted beer.

Instead she wanted diamonds from De Beers.


They had a lot in common.

They both went to the library.

She for a dick tionary,

and he for a leg see con.


She was totally deaf

and he was deafinitely in love with her.

He told her, “You’re mime, all mime.”


“I’m a sapiophile,” she said.

“Likewise,” he replied.

“To like wise

is very wise.”


The stripper’s stage name was

“Man’s Breast Friend.”


After shopping at an online image store,

he received hundreds of

jumbled, incomprehensible photos.

When he asked for an explanation,

he was told,

“You requested erratic pictures.”


Name for a house of comfort in a retirement community —

Final Fantasy.

Its slogan —

No good wood should go to waste.


She thought he was the man of her dreams

until she learned he had no toes.

She was lack-toes intolerant.


The native was confused by the theological arguments

of those who sought to convert his people.

Until he met a preacher’s daughter

who taught him

the missionary position.


Why did Santa shop at a sex boutique?
He needed shocking stuffers.


What did the loaf of bread and the stone

say to one another

when they fell in love?

“You rock!”

“And you roll!”


Hoping to be successful with her submissions,

she took submissive training

and sent out queeries

and stayed in b&d’s.

Success never came,

but she had a novel experience.


As the impoverished author said to the woman he loved —
“What’s mind is yours.”


As the deaf-mute said to the woman he loved —

“What mime is yours.”


A filter to remove pornographic photos and text

from online profiles

is known as a



Question —

Do men like it when women chase them?

Answer —

That depends on the grammatical structure of the sentence.

Men like it when women chase them.

But men do not like to be chaste.


Coupling -

We aren’t hydrogen and oxygen.

We’re water, with the unique properties of water,

meant to be together from the moment we were born,

or from a pre-heaven for souls.

Forces of nature brought us together

so we could become the couple we were meant to be.


Ah! The joys of a coronavirus summer.

Young ladies, daring in their anonymity.

whose masks are bigger than their bikinis.


When the magical princess

offered to turn her favorite horse

into a unicorn,

he bolted and was never seen again.

There was no way he wanted to be a unic.

Buy the book Grandad Jokes at Amazon

List of Richard’s other stories, book reviews, essays, poems, and jokes.



Richard Seltzer

His recent books include Echoes from the Attic, Grandad Jokes, Lizard of Oz, Shakespeare'sTwin Sister, To Gether Tales. and Parallel Lives,