Grandad Jokes, Batch #4

Richard Seltzer
3 min readSep 30, 2021
Buy the book Grandad Jokes at Amazon

from the section Nonsensical Science, Philosophy, History and Religion in the book Grandad Jokes


Definition of optimist:

He delights in the discovery of evil and ugliness

in everyday life

because that heightens his appreciation of the good and the beautiful.


God was bored with the

Christian heaven,

and the Moslem one

and the Elysian Fields,

so he built his own paradise,

and called it Earth.


Einstein’s brother was a famous chef.

He invented the theory of relish-tivity.


Why did the boy bite a book of statistics?

He wanted to make a stat-chew.


Honesty is the best policy.

But where is the company that sells it?


What did Einstein eat for breakfast?

Raisin brain


Jesus told his mother

to eat, drink,

and be Mary.


Archaeologists find 21st century gym

and conclude it was a torture chamber

devoted to the god Fitness,

in the belief that the greater your misery in life,

the greater your reward after death.


The king wanted to eliminate poverty

So he moved his entire kingdom to the desert

Because when it rains, it poors.


What was the most popular newspaper column in biblical days?

The Gossip According to Mark


God created the Heavens and the Earth

and everything in them.

Then Satan created evolution

and screwed it all up.


When the three-year-old dropped a nickel in his piggy bank,

the nickel jumped for joy —

“I am saved.”


Why do kids like to be buried on the beach?

To achieve under-sanding.


Then there was the Hebrew cabinet maker

who was so bored with his job

that all day every day he muttered,

“Vanity. Vanity. All is vanity.”


Why did the prophet hire a speech therapist?

Instead of renouncing the world

he wanted to pronounce it.


In the interest of equality,

as the day before New Year’s is called New Year’s Eve;

the day after New Year’s should be New Year’s Adam.


Creation story:

On Planet X, caterpillars breed,

then go into cocoon

and emerge with one wing

and die.

Except a few who find true love,

cocoon together,

and emerge as one creature with two wings.

They fly and are called angels


The evolution of evolution —

Darwin claimed we descended from monkeys.

His opponents said none such.

Finally they compromised and agreed

it was monks and nuns together.


Mankind longed to return

to the E-den of iniquity,

until finally they built Vegas.


Sir Isaac Newton

had an alma energy

as well as an alma matter.


Through the ages, funeral rites

were intended to alleviate the fear of ghosts.

It was important to bury the dread.


What is a good name

for a naked Hindu priest?

Yogi Bare.


Where is Newton buried?

In the gravity yard.

Where is Einstein buried?

With his relatives.

Where is Heisenberg buried?

That is uncertain.


Where is Schrodinger buried?

A cat house.

Where is Darwin buried?

At the zoo.

Where is Freud buried?

In the unconscious.


Where are the Wright Brothers buried?

In the plains.

Where is Joyce buried?

Next to Finnegan.

Where is Shakespeare buried?

In the playground.

Buy the book Grandad Jokes at Amazon

List of Richard’s other jokes, stories and essays.



Richard Seltzer

His recent books include Echoes from the Attic, Grandad Jokes, Lizard of Oz, Shakespeare'sTwin Sister, To Gether Tales. and Parallel Lives,