Grandad Jokes, Batch #47

Richard Seltzer
3 min readMay 7, 2022
Buy the book Grandad Jokes at Amazon

From the Never Grow Up section of the book Grandad Jokes


When his body began to fial,

they put him on a feeding tube.

When his mind began to fail,

they put him on a YouTube.


The elderly widower donned a powdered wig

and the clothing of a gentleman from the days of Charles II.

He had been alone for a long time

but now he really wanted

to be dated.


When she became a vegetarian

and he refused to follow suit,

they divorced;

and he wistfully told her,

“Some day we’ll meat again.”


If you are n a ship and nature calls

and the bathroom is occupied,

where should you go?

The poop deck.


Career choice —

social media or advertising?

blogging or flogging?


The author enjoyed hearing his own words,

so he put on a jacket that

repeated everything he said.

It was a doublet.


Very few insects have names.

One exception was a Japanese beetle —

Yoko Ono


On Match he explained that he wasn’t

a hermit and a curmudgeon.

Rather he was a social caterpillar

with no desire to become a butterfly.


If the bene fits

wear it.


The perfect gift

for a heavy-drinking musician —

Bach beer.


I can play musical instruments.

But, unfortunately, I can’t serious them.


She went by boat every day

from Staten Island to Manhattan

and back again,

hoping that one day she would meet

her Good Ferry.


The four-year-old boy put on a pilot’s helmet

and headed for the chicken shed.

“What do you think you’re doing?” asked his mother.

“I’m going to fly the coop.”


Why did the New York police force recruit spiders?

For their sting operations.


Why did the New York police force recruit perfume?

For their stink operations.


Where did Noah’s sons move?

New Ark, New Jersey


What’s the favorite puzzle game in Aruba?

Arubics cube


Why did Imelda Marcos marry a bubblegum manufacturer?

Because she heard he had millions of chews.


Dogs make good bark tenders.


What did one nuclear reactor say to the other?

Let’s go fishin’


A couple of circles were walking up the street.

They passed a triangle

and one of the circles whistled.

“That’s a cute angle.”


“Can you teach me how to kel?”

“Kel? What’s kel?”

Well, I already know how to snore,

and I’d like to be able to snor-kel.


An army troop found itself stranded and lost

in the middle of the Sahara desert.

They had a jeep but had no idea which way to head.

So the driver started driving in an S pattern over and over again.

Then they had a jeepy S

and their problem was solved.


What’s the extra fee you pay in a restaurant when you bring your kids?

The cubber charge


The favorite dish in New York

is central pork.

Buy the book Grandad Jokes at Amazon

List of Richard’s other jokes, stories, poems and essays.



Richard Seltzer

His recent books include Echoes from the Attic, Grandad Jokes, Lizard of Oz, Shakespeare'sTwin Sister, To Gether Tales. and Parallel Lives,