Grandad Jokes, Batch #6

Richard Seltzer
3 min readOct 2, 2021
Buy the book Grandad Jokes at Amazon

from the section Nonsensical Science, Philosophy, History and Religion in the book Grandad Jokes


And on the eighth day,

God looked at the Colorado River and said,

“Be dammed!”


When the world gets out of whack,

it needs evening.


There are many different kinds of intelligence,

and different parts of your body have different levels of intuition and instinct,

and sometimes act with little or no involvement of your brain.

What are your erogenius zones?


They both were sticklers about religious observance.

The priest was selfish every Friday.

And the rabbi refused to eat hamburgers.


Yes thyself, said Socrates.


Often it feels like I don’t create these jokes at all.

Rather the potential for them is embedded in the language.

I just uncover them,

then do some edits.


Socrates was a follower of Dawkins.

He believed in the golden meme.


Instead of dinner,

the time traveller had repast.

And instead of pastimes,

she had past times.

Ancient Rome was her favorite.


My computer crashed a week ago.

Still waiting for delivery of new one.

Today? I

t’s like waiting for a brain transplant,

and wondering who I’ll be afterward.


Churchill was vindictive,

and rightly so —

he had an axis to grind.


There were two ladies

who inspired philosophers. playwrights, and politicians

in ancient Athens.

Everybody knows Aspasia,

but Aphasia has been forgotten.


These are tough times.

I feel sorry for priests

performing online,


mass masochism.


We are reborn every day at 12 o’clock.

That’s why it’s called new-n.


Mass-turbation is how a priest celebates mass.


May Day. The day I may do what I wish.

But when is the day that I can?


“You are what you read,” he said.

We build the patterns of association that are

how we perceive and think, who we are.

So he didn’t just read books —

he assimilated them,

making himself the person he wanted to be.


What do you call a speech delivered outside a synagogue?



Of all the great philosophers,

who was the best comedian?

David Hume.

He was the most humorous,

and he wrote A Tickle of Human Nature.


I’d rather save time

than spend it.

But no matter where I put it,

when I look for it again,

it’s gone.


Today is when you

open the door to tomorrow.


Oscar Wilde said,

“We are all in the gutter

but some of us are looking at the stars.”

But what look like stars are often

galaxies and galaxy clusters,

billions of light years away.

Maybe it would be good

to appreciate the beauty in the gutter.


The art of lying with statistics

was pioneered by Edison.

He invented the phony-graph.


God walked up to Adam when he was barbequing

and asked,

“Son, can you spare a rib?”

Adam answered, “Sure.”

And then there was woman …


Remember that evil is live spelled backwards,

dog is god spelled backwards.

That’s the antimatter of language.

We are both energy and matter.

We all matter.


If you feel small,

reach for something big,

and touch that.

Buy the book Grandad Jokes at Amazon

List of Richard’s other jokes, stories and essays.



Richard Seltzer

His recent books include Echoes from the Attic, Grandad Jokes, Lizard of Oz, Shakespeare'sTwin Sister, To Gether Tales. and Parallel Lives,