Independent Agencies for Bank Business?

Richard Seltzer
1 min readMay 27, 2022

Excerpt from “Why Knot?” Buy the book at Amazon

Why does every bank have to have dozens, hundreds, even thousands of branch offices? From an ATM, you can do business with many different banks. Some of those ATMs are in those branch offices. Others sit in public places and are run by independent companies. Why not change banking regulations to allow independent agencies to handle all manner of consumer banking services for many different banks, obviating the need for the wasteful multiplication of single-bank branches.

Such agencies could also provide value-added services that no one provides today. Insurance agencies handle transactions for a variety of different insurance companies and can provide advice on which is the best one for you for each of your insurance needs. But you only deal with a single agent.

Similarly, banking agencies could make it easy to bank with multiple institutions, and yet have single-point access to all your accounts, face-to-face and also online.

List of Richard’s other essays, stories, poems and jokes.



Richard Seltzer

His recent books include Echoes from the Attic, Grandad Jokes, Lizard of Oz, Shakespeare'sTwin Sister, To Gether Tales. and Parallel Lives,