When Will There Be Good News?

Richard Seltzer
2 min readSep 18, 2022

Review of the novel by Kate Atkinson (#3 in the Jackson Brodie Series)

What at first seem to be separate story lives are woven together by coincidence into a compelling story with a rapid sequence of revelations.

Memorable passages:

“Her big mouth turned down when she laughed so that she never seemed happy even when she was.” p. 23

[description of death] “he’d always imagined it, if he’d imagined it at all, as something like the Hilton in Heathrow Airport — a beige bland limbo where everyone was in transit… He wondered what other surprises God’s halfway house was going to present. p. 208

“… a coincidence is an explanation waiting to happen…” p. 216

“She’d identified a dead body, had her flat vandalized, been threatened by violent idiots and it wasn’t even lunchtime. Reggie hoped the rest of the day would be more uneventful.” p. 243

“Joanna Hunter and Andrew Decker would belong to each other for evermore, their histories twisted and fused together.” p. 263

“She had made terrible mistake, hadn’t she? She had married the wrong man. No, no, she had married the right man, it was just that she was the wrong woman.” p. 285

“One more puzzling thing to add to the pile of puzzling things that surrounded Dr. Hunter…” p. 471

List of Richard’s other essays, stories, poems and jokes.



Richard Seltzer

His recent books include Echoes from the Attic, Grandad Jokes, Lizard of Oz, Shakespeare'sTwin Sister, To Gether Tales. and Parallel Lives, seltzerbooks.com