Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 installation in VirtualBox

Selvaraj kuppusamy
12 min readJul 3, 2022


Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Red Hat Enterprise Linux is a commercial open source Linux distribution developed by Red Hat for the commercial market.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 Features

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 9 is now generally available (GA). This release is designed to meet the needs of the hybrid cloud environment, and is ready for you to develop and deploy from the edge to the cloud.

Get access to the latest language runtimes and tools

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 is built with a number of the latest runtimes and compilers, including GCC (11.2.1) and updated versions of LLVM (13.0.1), Rust (1.58.1), and Go (1.17.1), enabling developers to modernize their applications.
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 ships with updated versions of core developer toolchains such as GCC (11.2.1), glibc (2.34), and binutils (2.35).
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 improves the application streams experience by providing initial application stream versions that can be installed as RPM packages using the traditional yum install command. Developers can select from multiple versions of user-space components as application streams that are easy to update, providing greater flexibility to customize RHEL for their development environment.

Support for newer versions of language runtimes

RedHat Enterprise Linux 9 offers the following new versions of dynamic programming languages:

  • Python 3.9, Node.js 16, Ruby 3.0.3, Perl 5.32, PHP 8.0

Build Red Hat Enterprise Linux images for development and testing

Image builder is a tool that allows users to create custom RHEL system images in a variety of formats for major and minor releases. These images are compatible with major cloud providers and virtualization technologies popular in the market. This enables users to quickly spin up customized Red Hat Enterprise Linux development environments on local, on-premise, or cloud platforms.

Monitor and maintain Red Hat Enterprise Linux environments

  • The Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 web console has an enhanced performance metrics page that helps identify potential causes of high CPU, memory, disk, and network resource usage spikes.
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 also now supports kernel live patching via the web console.

Universal Base Images for Building Containers

  • The Red Hat Universal Base Images provide a way to easily build, run and manage container images based on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux software.
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 provides cgroups (control groups) and an improved version of podman which is a daemonless engine for building and managing Open Container Initiative(OCI) containers on the Linux system.

Identity and security

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 provides OpenSSL 3.0.1, which is the latest release after the OpenSSL 3.0 which is the latest LTS release.

System Requirements

  • 20GB free disk space.
  • Virtual Box on the system.
  • RHEL 8 ISO File.
  • A minimum of 4 GB RAM is recommended.
  • One core or thread for each virtualized CPU and one for the host.

Step 1 :- Download Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 ISO

Proceed to Red Hat Login Page and enter the username or email and password to logged in. If you don’t have account create new one and next proceed the process.

Redhat Login Page

Thereafter, download the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 ISO file for free.

Approximate, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 ISO file size is 8GB to download.

RHEL 9 Download Page

Step 2:- Create a Virtual Machine

Lanuch VirtualBox and create a new virtual machine.

Click the New icon.

VirtualBox Page

Name the Operating System name.choose Machine Folder, Type and Version.

Click Next.

Create Virtual Machine

In the next step, allocate some memory for your virtual machine. In this case, I have chosen to assign a memory capacity of 3099 MB.

Allocate the memory size for operating system.If you find this is too slow, you can change it at any time while the virtual machine is shutdown.

Click Next.

Allocate Memory Size

In the next window, select Create a virtual hard disk now.

Click Create.

Choose Hard Disk

Select the VDI(VirtualBox Disk Image) as your hard drive file type.

Click Next.

Choose Hard Disk File Type

Choose Dynamically allocated, so it can use space on your hard disk as it fills up.

Click Next.

Choose Hard Disk Type

Select File Location and Size.

Choose your Suitable file location and the size of the virtual hard disk. I have chosen to assign 50 GB to my virtual machine.

Click Next.

Choose File Location and Size

Now, new virtual machine has been successfully created.

Step 3:- Setting Up the Virtual Machine for RHEL 9

Click Settings.

Virtual Machine Page

In the general option, choose Advanced tab.

Here you can choose shared clipboard settings. Select each dropdown menu and choose the Bidirectional option to enable the machine’s clipboard sharing and drag-drop features.

It is used to copy and paste some content between the virtual machine and the host.

Settings Page

After clicking on the storage, we will attach the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 ISO file to our operating system.

Click on the Empty under Controller: IDE.

After click on Empty.

Settings Page

Choose your Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 iso image file in your local system. And then select Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 iso image file, then

Click Open.

Select ISO File

Now, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 image file was selected. And then click Ok.

Settings Page

Step 4:- Installing RHEL 9 in VirtualBox

Now, let’s boot up our machine and Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.

Click Start icon on first screen.

The Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 installation process will be started.

RHEL 9 Installation Started
RHEL 9 Boot Menu

Now, use the up and down key to go to Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.

Press Enter key.

RHEL 9 Boot Menu

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 is booted and testing the process. After, the window below will prompt you to select the installation language.

RHEL 9 Booting
RHEL 9 Booting

Now, you should select your preferred language. I’m using English.

And press Continue.

RHEL 9 Language

Now, should setup the Installation summary.

RHEL 9 Configuration



Now, should add your preferable keyboard layout.

click [ + ] symbol to add keyboard layout and [ - ] symbol to remove keyboard layout.

RHEL 9 Keyboard Layout

In my case, I choose English (India, with rupee).

Click Add.

RHEL 9 Keyboard Layout

I selected my keyboard layout and also my overview the keyboard layout.

Click Done.

RHEL 9 Keyboard Layout

Language Support

Now should select your preferable language support.

In my case, I was select additionally English(India).

Click Done.

RHEL 9 Language Support

Time and Date

Choose the location as per your setup .In my case Region: Asia and City : Kolkata.

Click Done.

RHEL 9 Time and Date


Connect to Red Hat

To Connect to Red Hat using authenticate with your Red Hat login credentials like Red Hat Username and Red Hat Password and Register it.

Click Done.

Register RHEL 9

Installation Source

To specify a file or a location to install Red Hat Enterprise Linux from, select Installation Source from the Installation Summary screen. On this screen, you can choose between locally available installation media, such as a DVD or an ISO file, or a network location.

In my case, I choose default Auto-detected installation media option.

Click Done.

RHEL 9 Installation Source

Software Selection

The common installation types are:

  • Minimal Install : Minimal Server without GUI, for advanced Linux Sysadmins.
  • Workstation : For installation on Laptops and PCs.
  • Server with GUI: Server installation with Graphical interface for administration.

In my case, I choose Workstation and also select Additional software for Selected Environment.

Click Done.

RHEL 9 Software Selection


Installation Destination

In the Installation Destination, to select Automatic option to create automatically partition the hard drive. Otherwise, select Custom option to manually create the partitions.

To ensure the partition option and selected the hard disk .

Click Done.

RHEL 9 Installation Drive

In my case, I was select Custom option to manually create the partitions.

Click Done.

RHEL 9 Install Drive

Now, In the manual partitioning screen. By default, the LVM partitioning scheme is selected.

To creating the partitions, click on the [ + ]symbol and to deleting the partitions, click on the [ - ]symbol.

I will create the following partitions on 50 GB disk.

/boot -	1024MB
/root - 45GB
swap - 4GB

You will create partitions based on your purposes and disk size.

RHEL 9 Manual Partitioning

Boot partition

click on the [ + ]symbol .

specify the mount point as /boot and size as 1024 MB.

Click Add mount point.

Create Boot Partition

From the partition table below, you can see that the /boot partition has been created. Overview the /boot partition.

RHEL 9 Partition Table

Root partition

Click on the [ + ]symbol.

Specify the mount point as /root and size as 45 GB.

Click Add mount point.

Create Root Partition

From the partition table below, you can see that the /root partition has been created. Overview the /root partition.

RHEL 9 Partition Table

Swap partition

Click on the [ + ]symbol.

Specify the mount point as swap and size as 4 GB.

Click Add mount point.

Create Swap Partition

From the partition table below, you can see that the swap partition has been created. Overview the swap partition.

Now, /boot, /root, swap partitions are created.

Click Done.

RHEL 9 Partition Table


Click Accept Changes.

RHEL 9 Disk Changes


kdump is a feature of the Linux kernel that creates crash dumps in the event of a kernel crash. When triggered, kdump exports a memory image that can be analyzed for the purposes of debugging and determining the cause of a crash.

If you will unchecked the Enable kdump, you can save memory.

In my case, I was choose Enable kdump by default.

Click Done.


Network and Hostname

In the Network and Hostname section, turn on the toggle in the network interface. Setting host Name is optional.

In my case, I choose default network. If you can change network connection, you can configure it.

Click Done.

RHEL 9 Network and Hostname

Security Profile

Security profile you can choose the security policy for your system.

In my case, I was choose Security profile by default.

RHEL 9 Security Profile

User Settings

Root password

In the root account, enter the Root Password and Confirm Password.

Also your preference to choose Lock root account and Allow root SSH login with password.

Click Done twice.

Create RHEL 9 Root Password

User Creation

In the user creation, you can set up your user account .

  • Enter your name.
  • Enter your user name.
  • Pick your username.
  • Pick your password and confirm password.

Also your preference to choose Make this user administrator and Require a password to use this account.

Click Done.

Create RHEL 9 User Account

Now, this Installation Summary should ready for the Begin Installation.

Once again, overview all things.

Click Begin Installation.

RHEL 9 Begin Installation
RHEL 9 Begin Installation

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 Installation is processing.

RHEL 9 Installation

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 Installation is completed.

At this point, it is safe to remove your installation media, or in this case, unmount the ISO image file. During the reboot process, select the first entry and hit ENTER.

Click Reboot System.

RHEL 9 Installation Completed

Now, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 GRUB file show here.

Press Enter.


Now, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 login page show here.

Press Enter.

RHEL 9 Login

In the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 login screen. Enter your user password.

Press Enter.

RHEL 9 Login

Now, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 logged successfully.

RHEL 9 Tour

Now, you can explore Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.

RHEL 9 Desktop
RHEL 9 Desktop

Check, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 version.

Use below command in terminal.

cat /etc/os-release
RHEL 9 Details

Finally, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 has successfully installed.

Step 5:- Enable and Disable Red Hat Subscription on RHEL 9


Register and Enable Red Hat subscription

Once you have Red Hat Enterprise Linux installed, you must register and enable Red Hat Subscription to install any package on your system.

Open terminal and enter the below register and enable RedHat Subscription.

subscription-manager register --auto-attach
Enable Red Hat Subscription on RHEL 9

Update the RHEL 9

Now, you can update the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.

Update RHEL 9 System

Verifying Subscription

List of attached subscription can be verified by running the below command.

subscription-manager list
RedHat Subscription Manager List

Un-registering a system

Remove all subscriptions from Red Hat to run the below command.

subscription-manager remove --all
Remove RedHat Subscription on RHEL 9

To unregister the system from the Red Hat to run the below command.

subscription-manager unregister
Unregister Red Hat Subscription on RHEL 9

To remove all local data from the system from the Red Hat to run the below command.

subscription-manager clean
Clean RedHat Subscription on RHEL 9

Check, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 details using neofetch command(Optional).

RHEL 9 Details in Neofetch

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 in VirtualBox.

RHEL 9 Desktop


In this blog, I Shown you to Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 in VirtualBox and Enable and Disable Red Hat Subscription on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.

Never Stop Learning!

