What is Skelpy blockchain Coin

Anita Muy
6 min readMar 12, 2019


SKELPY is a company that makes digital wallets where there are digital tokens whose function is for transfer devices. SKELPY itself aims to create a Blockchain that is truly decentralized and transparent. Where SKELPY has strict and high security, then through this system it will be possible to recognize the subjects involved in the transaction.

In the modern era, payment instruments do not need to use cash anymore, with SKELPY, a company that creates digital wallets, we can pay using digital tokens. So the SKELPY function itself is very useful for us, namely:

  • Can transfer quickly to anyone who can be used as a means of payment other than cash or ATM
  • Having strict certified security
  • Prevent fraud in terms of payment or purchase transactions

SKELPY itself provides trust to users because it has a high level of security, where each SKELPY user will be given an identity card, a digital token for payment instruments. However, in SKELPY itself has its own requirements, namely


Skelpy is a Project that aims to create a completely decentralized and clear blockchain, where each wallet has a certified digital identity. Transactions will be visible to everyone, but individuals will be certified and recognized based on the visibility criteria described earlier.

So it will be possible for users to issue transactions on the blockchain with a certified wallet (individual or legal entity) or with a non-certified wallet. Then the source code associated with the blockchain will be fully issued along with the tools, while all the code related to the SkelpySystem platform will still be backed up.

The Skelpy blockchain platform is based on DPS (Delegate Proof of Stake) technology where there are 51 forging nodes that have the task of maintaining active and working nets. And the DPoS technology used by Skelpy will take the project ARK (https://www.ark.io) as a starting point but this is not a copy or sidechain of the project mentioned. However, the Skelpy blockchain platform starts from a solid and tested base that will be upgraded to be functional to the Skelpy System.

What is DPoS?

DPoS (Delegated Proof of Stake) is the final method for guaranteeing digital net tokens by processing transactions and ensuring distributed management (transaction validation) without the need for a central authority.

This system is an evolution that began with the Proof of Stake, which provided the involvement of the entire network rather than the representative of 51 delegates, which was developed for the purpose of reducing costs and inefficiencies associated with the typical PoW (Proof of Work System) electricity consumption, for example Bitcoin.

Delegated Proof of Stake is defined as a strong, efficient and very reliable consensus algorithm in the Blockchain web, usually described as technological democracy.

Skelpy project intends to offer a certifying service for wallets in the property circle, ever allowing the use of non-nominative wallets inside the blockchain.

Because A certified wallet is safer than a non-certified one as it can dispose of ancillary functions and services. and too A certified wallet attests that a specified subject recognized by the system is owner of that wallet; this permits transparency and security in transactions between two subjects.

And you need to know The wallet certifying process is an irreversible procedure, because to a single wallet can be associated a unique natural or legal subject. Besides, a certified user can have other certified or non-nominative (not certified) wallets.

Skelpy System

SkelpySystem is also a decentralized platform that enables to certify and acknowledge the wallets inside the Skelpy circle.

Through this methodology it’s going to be potential to acknowledge the themes involved inside the transactions on the premise of the number of authority allowed by the wallets householders.

The notecases is also recognized at the discretion of the rightful owner that decides the visibility of his own case.

To recognize a case is crucial exploit a recognition request to the subject in question, except the “Public” level of visibility that does not need a recognition request.

The visibility levels ar divided in:

• Public

• Private

• Solo

Public visibility A pocketbook with a “Public” visibility level ar usually seen from all of the users registered at the SkelpySystem platform, with none need of recognition.

Private Visibility A pocketbook with a “Private” level of visibility ar usually seen only from the licenced users once the acceptance of the recognition request sent from the human to the rightful owner.

Solo” visibility A pocketbook with a “Solo” level of visibility is totally completely different from the private visibility as a result of it can’t receive recognition requests, but only send them to pocketbook with personal visibility.

Each subject being a section of the SkelpySystem platform ought to respect the laws that regulate it and certify his/her identity through the laws of his/her home country and thus the KYC tool.

In case of offences, breach of the law or actions that violate the national and international laws, SkelpySystem does not take any responsibility for facts occurred through its network.

SkelpySystem will depend on the market all the documents needed to the requesting institutes, thus on not impede the investigation of hot acts.

How It Works?

SKELPY itself provides trust to users because it has a high level of security, where each SKELPY user will be given an identity card, a digital token for payment instruments. However, in SKELPY itself has its own requirements, namely

  • KYC

KYC is a Know You Custumer, where by using SKELPY. The party from SKELPY knows who are SKELPY users, so using SKELPY there is no fraudulent identity data.

  • AML

AML, which is Anti Money Laundering, that is by using SKELPY, cannot be used for money laundering or other fraud, so by using this, every transaction will be maintained safely.

  • CTF

CTF, namely The Counter Terrorism Financing, namely prevention of those who will carry out negative goals related to funds for terrorism. By using SKELPY it is not possible to carry out actions that can relate negatively to dealing with terrorism which can harm the State.

Skelpy Identity Card

The Skelpy Identity Card (SIC) can be used to get paid and be recognized. After having completed the recognizing procedure through Skelpy system, it is possible to request SICs to leave to customers or Friends for contact or payment addresses.

In fact, the QR code on the back of the card indicates the wallet associated to the blockchain Skelpy certified person, so by pointing the QR code on the card, it is possible to pay the certified wallet owner.

TEC Fund Distribution

The currency in circulation will be of 2.000.000; 20.000.000 will be used by the partners to maintain the network; 10.000.000 will be saved as a backup fund that can be used exclusively in case of emergency and only at the achievement of the voting majority of the team; and 1.000.000 will be distributed among the team members on the basis of the developed work.

Let’s Get Social — Connect With Skelpy

To stay up to date on Skelpy news and announcements, subscribe to Medium and Steemit channels, follow on Facebook and Twitter, and join the conversation on Telegram.



Anita Sehr

Profil Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2253966
ETH: 0xc8a9952dEc2a392fa15455F565849d2D2827BD67

