metal spoon

james keller
1 min readJan 2, 2016


this is entry #2 in my series about beautility.

okay. yup, this is just a spoon.

i like my choice in flatware, but there is nothing particular about this spoon that makes is substantially different than most other spoons that you can purchase at your local spoon store.

but i LOVE spoons. seriously.

the penultimate spoon experience is eating pudding. when eating chocolate pudding straight from the refrigerator, the shape, texture and temperature of a metal spoon enhances your ability to savor each bite.

(do you have any pudding? a friend pointed out that yogurt will do nicely as well. if so, go get some. try it. notice the spoon, it is more than a transportation vessel. i swear it. no worries, i’ll wait right here until you come back.)

it is undeniable that there is something sensual about the curvy, shiny, metal reality of the spoon. the weight in your hand. the glint of the candlelight off the handle at the dinner table.

their sole purpose to help nourish us.

cereal. soup. ice cream.

there is even a lovely snuggle maneuver named for the way spoons nestle together neatly in the drawer.

spoons are remarkable in their undeniable, mundane sense of beautility.



james keller

pillow fort architect. accidental entrepreneur. designer of micro digital moments & wrangler of designy-type people. five whole feet of fury.