Published inAndroidPubHandsome codes with KotlinKotlin is a very flexible programming language. You have a chance to write more readable and good-looking code. The only limit is your…Jul 14, 201710Jul 14, 201710
Published inCommencisTutorial: ToDo-KotlinSon zamanlarda Kotlin’in adını Android Community içerisinde çok duymaya başladık. Ben de ‘Bu Kotlin nedir?’ diye merak ettim ve araştırmaya…Nov 15, 20162Nov 15, 20162
Force your users to update your app with using FirebaseMobile apps are not like web apps. People download your apps from the app stores and update them if there is a new version. They may use…Jul 21, 201655Jul 21, 201655
Using Timber with Crash Reporting ToolsI was using Crashlytics to report crashes in my Android apps. Last Google I/O, Firebase was launched with expanding its services. One of…Jul 3, 20161Jul 3, 20161
Some Notes From Google I/O 2016Google I/O took place at Shoreline Amphitheatre in Mountain View, California this year. I was at I/O with four of my Monitise colleagues…May 31, 2016May 31, 2016
Android’de Retrolambda kullanımıBildiğiniz gibi Java, JDK 8 ile birlikte lambda expression’a destek vermeye başladı. Fakat, Android’de hala Java 7 kullanıldığı için λ‘yı…Apr 28, 2016Apr 28, 2016
Java’da Callback/Listener yapısıBu blog yazısına girdiğinize göre programlama konusunda epey bir yol katettiniz. Şimdi sıra geldi callback (veya listener’da diyebiliriz)…Apr 27, 20161Apr 27, 20161