Steve McGrath
2 min readOct 31, 2017


It is not only his job, it is his mission — his castle in the air — his flight of fancy — his pipe dream — his fool’s paradise —and his penultimate goal, short of replacing President Donald Trump with President Hillary Clinton.

Harry Litman owes his career to the Clintons. In 1998, Bill Clinton plucked Litman from the bowels of his DOJ, where he served five years under Attorney General Janet Reno, and nominated him to serve as the U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Pennsylvania. Two years later, in 2000, Bill Clinton nominated Litman to a federal judgeship but Republican Senators stalled his confirmation. With his hopes hanging on a Gore victory in 2000, Litman suffered the humiliation of seeing his government career ambitions collapse as the result of ‘hanging chads’ and ‘butterfly ballots’. Bush subsequently pulled his judgeship nomination and he resigned in 2001.

In 2004, his judgeship ambitions were rekindled when he was invited to join John Kerry’s campaign for President but, once again, they were postponed by Bush. In 2008, he again backed the wrong horse and sided with Hillary Clinton during the primaries. After his ambitions to return to the swamp with Bill’s wife were extinguished, there were no offers forthcoming from Hillary’s Democratic opponent.

This past year’s election cycle was likely viewed by Harry Litman as his best opportunity to win a federal judgeship (or more?), so he must have jumped at the opportunity to serve as one of Hillary’s legal advisors for her presidential campaign. He even maxed out his contributions to her under FEC limitations. After backing so many losing campaigns, Litman must have viewed Hillary’s certain victory with great anticipation. Consequently, the shock and resentment he experienced on election night must harass and torment his soul daily.

The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times, who regularly feature Harry Litman in their publications, defraud their readers by refusing to acknowledge Litman’s extensive and long-standing connections with the Clintons. I’m no fan of CNN, but I respect that they include disclosures that one would expect a news organization to provide for writers contributing ‘expert opinions’ on matters involving their political adversaries.

Harry Litman’s disclosure as it appears in op-eds for CNN:

Editor’s Note: Harry Litman, is the former United States attorney for the Western District of Pennsylvania, deputy assistant attorney general in the Department of Justice, and currently Of Counsel at Constantine Cannon. He worked on John Kerry’s and Hillary Clinton’s campaigns for president. Molly Knobler is an associate at Constantine Cannon in Washington. The views expressed in this commentary are solely those of the authors.

Harry Litman’s disclosure as it appears in op-eds for the NY Times:

“Harry Litman, a former United States attorney and deputy assistant attorney general, teaches at the University of California, Los Angeles, Law School and practices law at Constantine Cannon.”

Harry Litman’s disclosure as it appears in op-eds for the LA Times:

“Harry Litman, a former United States attorney and deputy assistant attorney general, teaches at UCLA Law School and practices law at Constantine Cannon.”



Steve McGrath

Mammalian: Round brain case balanced on a vertical backbone.