Sempiternal Style
3 min readApr 8, 2015

The Do’s and Don’ts of Semi Formal Dressing

A friend of mine had to attend an event yesterday and the dress code was semi formal wear. Now semi formal is a term which is often misunderstood especially when it is a dress code for events. Unlike others, the rules for semi formals are not that strict and as such leave a space for your own interpretations and a lot of experimentation. On the downside, it results into a great deal of misunderstandings and confusion about what to wear and what not to wear.

Semi formal dress is a dress which is less formal than the normal formal attire but more formal than casual or cocktail attire. Thus, it lies somewhere in between formal and casual attire. If you are hanging out with friends, you wear casual clothes like shorts or jeans. If you are attending an office party where your boss is going to introduce you to some other seniors, you are supposed to don strictly formal attire. But what if you are attending a party with colleagues where you are neither supposed to be uptight like when you are with your seniors nor supposed to loiter around like when you do with friends. How do you dress for such an event? That’s when semi formal dressing comes to your rescue. But what exactly can a man wear for a semi formal event? Here are some do’s and don’ts of semi formal dressing.

To make things clear, we start with what men can wear for a semi formal event.

The Do’s:

Matching Suit And Trousers

Suit: Wear a light colored suit with simple button down shirt. Vest is not mandatory but is not prohibited either. Even a simple shirt nowadays along with matching pants is fine if you are uncomfortable with the whole suit business.

Shirt: The shirt is supposed to be simple and button down.

Trousers: Keep it to basics like blue, brown, black or grey.

Bows: You can choose to wear a bow though it is not entirely mandatory.

Tie: you can choose to avoid the tie altogether.

Accessories: Watch and cuff-links are a nice option.

Color Code: Keep the clothing light colored with most colors either being muted or solid.

Belt: Take care that it matches the whole attire.

Footwear: Regular oxford shoes are the safest option though you can also opt for brogues.

The Don’ts:

Funky Ties-Not Advised

Semi formal wear though more relaxed than formal is still conservative in general sense and you cannot afford to be over the top. Hence there are some strict no-no’s when it comes to semi formal wear.

Suit: Never wear a tuxedo or sports coats as this will mean you are overdressed for the occasion.

Shirt: Don’t sport polo shirts, t-shirts or shirts with floral prints and jazzy embroidery.

Trousers: Khaki pants, jeans and cargos should be avoided.

Bows: Don’t waste your time over them.

Tie: Funky ties are not advised.

Accessories: Don’t display all the bling you have.

Color Code: Avoid bright or neon colors that are too attention seeking.

Belt: Do not wear a belt that doesn't match to your attire.

Footwear: Sneakers or sandals are not allowed.

A Few Tips:

  1. Do not forget to shave your face before attending semi formal event.

2. Do not forget to clean your shoes if they are dirty.

3. Do not forget to tuck in your shirt.

4. Remember to style your hair.

5. In the end apply your favorite cologne to add some elegance.