We in this world are only temporary, the real Life is in the Hereafter, there are 2 places reserved for us that is Hell and Heaven. Hell place for those who will be tortured no more forgiveness, While Paradise is a place for people who do good deeds and obey to religion.

But you need to know, that in hell there are 6 Food and drink for Penguhuni Hell, Food given is not make us full, but make us more tortured.

Here are some Food and Drinks for the Hell, see below.

Dhari Tree

Dhari tree is a tree with a very hard thorn, this is one food for the inhabitants of Hell, This tree will not be able to eliminate hunger, it will clog throat.

Ali Ibn Abu Talhah narrated from Ibn Abbas, Dhari means a tree that tastes from embers of fire.

“They will not get any food other than the thorny tree (Dhari). Which is neither dull nor hungry “. (Surah Al-Ghasiyah: 6–7).

Zaqqum Tree

The Zaqqum tree is one of the foods available to the inhabitants of Hell in the form of a tree that comes out of the bottom of Hell, and the fruit is like a head.

Related information This food is described by God S.W.T. in several verses in the Qur’an.

“Then lo! Those who deny astray again. It will really eat the Zaqqum Tree, and will fill your stomach with it “. (Surah Al-Waqi`: 51–53).

Not filling, the Zaqqum Tree will make the intestines split because of the heat, But humans in Hell have no choice but to eat the tree described in the Qur’an.

“Truly the Zaqqum Tree. Food of the many Sinful. He as the oil dirt boiling in the stomach, Like boiling hot water “. (Surah Ad-Dukhan: 43–46).

Al Ghassaq

Now the Drink for the inhabitants of Hell is Al-Ghassaq. This cold drink made of pus that is thick and smells very stinging.

According to Ibn Umar he is “a thick pine that if a drop is shed in the west of the earth, undoubtedly the inhabitants of the east will smell its very rotten smell”.


The next drink is Al-Hamim, this drink is very hot, and will be served with a hot iron bent at the end. The hot drink goes into the mouth and stomach to make the inside contents break down.

“They do not feel the coolness in it and not (also get) Drink other than boiling water and pus”. (Surah An-Naba: 24–25).


Ghislin is a drink made of pus mixed with blood that tastes from the body of other hell dwellers. One of the drinks to be received by the people of Hell.

“So there is no friend for him today, here. Not even Food (for him) except from Ghislin (pus of the inhabitants of Hell) No one eats it but sinners “. (Surah Al-Haqqah: 35–37).


The last drink that is in Hell is Ash-Shadid, this drink from pus that inevitably have to drink. Ibn Rajab said “Water of Shadid will make their face charred, while making the entire scalp and hair peel.

“In front of him is Jahannam and he will be fed with pus water” (Ibrahim: 16).

