Framework and modules of system life. Conclusion

Semyon Kolosov
6 min readNov 15, 2023

I’m tired of being small all the time

in a world where you can become infinitely big…


So, we have completed the journey through the cycle of six processes that will make system life. If throughout the book you forgot about the whole concept and focused on specific fragments, that’s fine. Given that there is a lot of information on each process as a whole, you can endlessly go into details. Each chapter adds several tasks to the backlog to study new material. This automatically placed you in the middle of the process, closing the view of the whole picture. Therefore, in the end, I suggest focusing on the highest level and looking at the whole picture as a map. Make a general overview. Rise high above all the processes and look at the whole system.

The cycle of system life

There is a sequence of processes: analysis, planning, management, optimization, reflection and training. They form one closed cycle, which is constantly repeated and ensures movement towards new goals. After a certain period, the goals become more ambitious, and the cycle goes to a wider turn. Therefore, in the picture on the right, the cycle is depicted in the form of a spiral. Learning can be carried out in a separate spiral, since the learning process is in each separate sequence, and there is a learning process that can work separately. The learning cycle is also endlessly repeated and improves the efficiency of the system life cycle, which is the framework for life. In software development, there is a concept of a “framework approach”. Its essence lies in the fact that any specific configuration of the program is built from two parts.

The first part is a permanent framework that does not change depending on the configuration. The second is replaceable modules that are connected to the connectors of the frame. A replaceable module can also contain connectors where new modules are connected. This approach is better known just as the “framework”, which is usually used by programmers. We can say that in the book I propose a framework for system life, which represents the main processes with changing subprocesses, tools and approaches. Changing modules can organize systems. Therefore, at the end of the book, it’s time to admit that initially I wanted to call it “System of Systems”, but during testing I found out that the name “System Life” is more understandable for people.

Framework and modules of system life

I prefer this word because it reflects the meaning and purpose of my system. Look at the framework of system life from above as a map. Note what is already working and what is the blind spot. Identify weaknesses that need to be improved and determine which tools to start using so that the system life cycle begins to function. Focus on the framework, the permanent part of the six processes. You can choose which modules to connect yourself. I call all the sections in each chapter modules. I do not impose my approaches (modules) and do not say that these are mandatory rules. I’m not saying that only such a configuration will give a result, or that all successful people do this.

I showed a personal framework of life and described the processes that I use myself. I structured them and described what tools to implement. My goal was to provide a framework from which anyone can start with and assemble their own system. Figure out what is missing to make the cycle work, and what is worth learning. I wanted everyone to get a flexible life organization template. To begin with, you can take the minimum and copy me. Further, like any program, everyone’s system will change. The framework will be changed, and their own sets of replaceable modules will be formed. All together forms a system where the sum of the interacting parts makes up an integral system so that it is greater than the sum of the individual parts. In systems theory, this phenomenon is called emergence — it’s when the system has properties that are not inherent in its elements individually.

You can use separate loop processes for tasks or small-scale projects. For complex and abstract ones, it is better to use the entire cycle from analysis to training. You will see for yourself that each cycle process uses the results of the previous one. Although who knows, maybe you are the reader who will do everything differently and offer a new concept that will be better. My approach has crystallized over 6 years experimentally. Everything superfluous fell out of the system by itself. I continue to improve it, but so far there are no fundamental changes in the concept. Therefore, I am always open to feedback to improve my approach.

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Every person’s life is their most important project, and it is always unique. Therefore, the exchange of experience is very important. I have shared my experience and I hope you will do the same. I know that many are still at the beginning of the journey. There is a lot of work to be done, a lot of new and difficult things to be done. With my book, I tried to help you not to be afraid to start and comfortably organize your way to ambitious goals, as far as possible. Writing the book itself was the same goal for me. If you only knew how many times I wanted to quit.

How difficult it was to look at famous authors with similar subjects and realize that I can’t compete with them. To convince myself that I am writing clearly, and that the book in general will be interesting to someone. Stop myself from endlessly rewriting the text and adding new ideas. I could write with fancy words that the “System Life” framework helped me to cope with these barriers, but when I finish writing, I understand that a strong connection with values and the environment helped me. Although the approaches from the book helped to organize the process and minimize interaction with barriers in order to turn off the internal critic and move on.

“The internal critic turns on when there is at least some result”

Alexander Molchanov

Now I understand that a lot of work has been done unconsciously on myself, which will benefit people at different levels. At the mindset level, it is easier not only to believe in your own strength, but also to clearly realize that you have it there to achieve the goal. At the implementation level, it is easier to bypass the internal critic before he starts putting sticks in the wheels. Alexander Molchanov’s quote is taken from his video titled “Your main enemy”. I think you can guess who your main enemy is, but watch the video anyway. I also had to cope with many fears in order to finish the work. So, I made a statement that anyone can do the same.

They can write a book, start a blog, leave an unloved job, move to another city or country, change their profession, improve their financial situation and implement any project. Yes, these are small goals for some, but I wasn’t going to write how to shift Jeff Bezos in a month. Everyone has their own ambitions and goals. The system life cycle will suit everyone. After all, it’s only a tool, and it all depends on who uses it, how and why. Each of us is the owner of our life.

Everyone is responsible for what happens in it. Who surrounds us, what decisions to make, in what conditions to live and where to go for. I hope the system life approach will help to take control of life and be prepared for any turns that we cannot predict. If my book helps at least one person, it will be a good result, and I will be sincerely glad. If you become this person, then be sure to write to me. The main thing is not to stop and build a personal system step by step. It will not give you certainty, but you will be able to step boldly into uncertainty, knowing that you will definitely cope with it.

“A bad system always prevails over a good person”

Edwards Deming

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Semyon Kolosov

I'm a book author, сonsultant and mentor for entrepreneurs and managers. I write about management for life and work.