Outcome. Thinking.

Semyon Kolosov
2 min readOct 8, 2023

Start with the restructuring of thinking, as this is the strongest, and perhaps the only tool for change and improvement. When we think differently, we act differently too. Effective thinking is an optimization accelerator.

You will not waste time on useless tasks and unforeseen problems, eliminating them in advance. You will be able to use time and resources efficiently, as well as improve the quality of solutions and your productivity. Your self-organization system should be reliable and controlled. External factors and spaces should not prevent it from working.

Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

Therefore, customize and optimize the management system for yourself. Constantly look for ways to simplify organizational processes, structure and interaction of scenarios in the system. Get rid of unnecessary and automate manual work. In Kaizen there is the word Muda, which means “loss” in Japanese. Losses include any activity that consumes resources but does not create value.

Organize yourself, the system and the environment so as to minimize any losses. Be lazy in the good sense of the word, be creative and never stop the optimization process. Just don’t forget about the epigraph to this chapter. Never optimize what you can do without.

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Semyon Kolosov

Author of the book «‎System life»‎ ‎: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CB6DZ5WJ. I write about management for life and work.