Meeting With President-elect Trump’s Cabinet Nominees

Senator Jon Tester
3 min readJan 8, 2017


Happy New Year & welcome to the 115th Congress!

I look forward to working with Republicans, Democrats, and Independents to create jobs, secure our borders, invest in our infrastructure, improve access to quality education, reduce the debt, and deliver for our veterans.

But first on my to-do list is meeting with President-elect Donald Trump’s nominees. It is the Senate’s responsibility in the coming weeks to question, debate, and vote on each of President-elect Trump’s 15 cabinet nominees.

This week I personally sat down with and questioned three of these nominees face-to-face:

Dr. Ben Carson

Nominee for Secretary of Housing and Urban Development

Today I questioned Dr. Ben Carson, President-elect Trump’s nominee for Secretary of U.S. Housing and Urban Development. If confirmed, I asked him to increase access to affordable housing, protect the 30-year mortgage, and to come visit Montana so he can better understand the housing difficulties in Indian Country.

General John Kelly

Nominee for Secretary of Homeland Security

Today I questioned General John Kelly during his confirmation hearing for Secretary of Homeland Security. He was honest, open, transparent and direct about how he hopes to protect our country and secure our borders. He did admit to knowing more about the southern border than he does the northern, but I think he’ll be a quick study — especially after he offered to visit Montana this year. I told him I’d definitely take him up on that.

I was impressed with Homeland Security Secretary nominee General John Kelly, and had a good talk with him about strengthening Montana’s borders and national security.

Betsy DeVos

Nominee for Secretary of Education

I emphasized the importance of public schools to Education Secretary nominee Betsy DeVos, and it was clear to me that she needs to better familiarize herself with the unique problems facing schools in rural states like Montana.

Senator Jeff Sessions

Nominee for Attorney General

I also met with President-elect Trump’s nominee for Attorney General, Senator Jeff Sessions, and told him it is critical that our country’s top law enforcement officer is committed to upholding the Constitution and defending all Montanans’ civil liberties. I’m very concerned about his longtime support for controversial programs like the Patriot Act.


It is critical that Montanans have a say in this process, which is why I launched a portal on my website where folks can submit their questions and concerns regarding each nominee.

Please keep your questions and comments coming. They’re very helpful as I hold these meetings. To date, over 1,500 Montanans have reached out to me with feedback that will help guide my decision-making process.

As this process moves forward, I will be a responsible voice for all Montanans during these confirmation hearings, and together we will increase opportunities for the next generation of Montanans.



Senator Jon Tester

Senator Jon Tester is a third-generation Montana farmer, a proud grandfather and a former school teacher. He is the senior U.S. Senator from Montana.