Different Types of Impacted Wisdom Teeth and When Extraction is Necessary

Sendhil care
2 min readJan 22, 2024



Wisdom teeth, the third set of molars that typically emerge in late teens or early adulthood, can become problematic when they are impacted. Impaction occurs when these molars do not fully develop or cannot break through the gums. While not all impacted wisdom teeth require removal, dentists may recommend extraction based on various factors.

Types of Impacted Wisdom Teeth Based on Orientation:

Impacted wisdom teeth can be classified based on their orientation or angulation towards adjacent molars:

Mesial Impaction:

  • The most common type, mesial impaction, involves the wisdom tooth inclining towards the molar in front. This can lead to acute pain, misalignment, and crowded teeth, necessitating prompt oral surgery for removal.

Vertical Impaction:

  • Vertically impacted teeth stand straight beneath the gums and may not cause immediate issues. Removal is typically not necessary unless they cause discomfort or exert pressure on adjacent molars.

Distal Impaction:

  • Rarely occurring, distal impaction involves the wisdom tooth pointing towards the back of the mouth. Extraction may be required if it impacts the jawbone.

Horizontal Impaction:

  • Considered the most challenging, horizontal impaction occurs when the wisdom tooth lies horizontally, parallel to the jawbone. This can result in extreme discomfort, constant pressure on adjacent teeth, and potential weakening of molar support.

Types Based on the Nature of Overlying Tissues:

Impaction can also be categorized by the interference of gum tissues in the eruption process:

Soft Tissue Impaction:

  • This occurs when a wisdom tooth penetrates the alveolar bone but cannot erupt through the dense gum tissue. Extraction is relatively easier compared to other types of impactions.

Hard Tissue Impaction:

  • Also known as bony impaction, this type occurs when the overlying bone blocks the eruption of wisdom teeth. It is further classified as partial bony or complete bony based on the extent of bone coverage.


Recognizing the signs of impacted wisdom teeth, such as pain, bleeding gums, jaw swelling, headaches, and neck inflammation, is crucial. When a wisdom tooth is impacted, especially if it is angulated against adjacent teeth, extraction becomes necessary. If you experience these symptoms without a clear cause, it is advisable to schedule an appointment with your dentist for a thorough examination.

To know more, visit: https://www.sendhildental.com/types-of-impacted-wisdom-teeth/

