Send Him Files
1 min readOct 20, 2014

Hi there and welcome to our little Medium corner. Articles posted here @Medium are all about the exciting things we are building at Send Him Files. But first, some words about our service.

Send Him Files was the result of an experiment we did, testing new technologies and evaluating the outcome. We got a lot of positive feedback from friends and colleagues, so we decided to give it a go! So, was born!

Right from the beginning there was a white list we had to follow. Here it is in random order:

  • Privacy and security
  • Clean UI
  • No advertising at all
  • No browser cookies
  • No login or sign up system
  • Nearly every component of the service in one page.
  • and the most important one, stuff that works!

Since our service is dealing with sensitive data, security and privacy was top priority. We decided not to use cookies at all. This was hard for us, in terms of marketing since we couldn’t collect analytics data but we can live without it! Security is established using AES256 bit end-to-end encryption for all files and SLL connection between you and our servers.

Many great features are coming so stay tuned!