SendingNetwork Loyalty Program: Complete quests to win a Loyalty Pass

Sending Labs
2 min readMay 13, 2024


Welcome to the SendingNetwork Loyalty Program! Engage in a series of captivating tasks and grab your loyalty card to win a SendingNetwork Loyalty pass.

Campaign Period: May 13 — July 15th 2PM UTC

How to Participate:

  • Step 1: Visit the quest link:
  • Step 2: Read the guide to the Loyalty Program to fully understand the participation process.
  • Step 3: Complete the specified mission for every week and claim your loyalty card.
  • Step 4: Continue to perform weekly tasks throughout the Loyalty Program period to collect your loyalty cards.
  • Step 5: If you can collect 6 different loyalty cards during the 8 weeks, you’ll be eligible to claim a loyalty pass.

*The missions will be added weekly during the event period.

Reward Structure

  • Loyalty cards: After you finish each weeks quest, you can claim one loyalty card. There’ll be 8 loyalty cards during the event period.
  • Loyalty Pass: Any one who can collect 6 different loyalty cards during the event period, will be eligible to claim a loyalty pass. The Loyalty Pass will unlock privileges in the future.

Become an active member of the SendingNetwork community — Exclusive Privileges for your Loyalty!

About SendingNetwork

SendingNetwork is building a decentralized communication stack aiming to rebuild the TCP/IP through a blockchain-powered, wallet addresses based peer-to-peer communication, reshaping the internet for unparalleled security, privacy and user control.

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