What to do if my kids are being bullied in school

3 min readJul 18, 2021


Bullying, A constant problem in life especially in the younger generation. As society evolves, Our human behavior of bullying has revolved around not just verbal, physical, and cyberbullying but often happens from a young age in schools. Bullying has been a great concern since an early age, but as generation changes, there has been a growing concern about various form of bullying and most people would wish to understand how to prevent them and solving them, Such problem arises not just from neighborhood schools it could potentially happen in the extra curriculum such as tuition class or enrichment class. Do understand that bully is a behaviour psychological issue hence it would happen anywhere, even in the most prestigious schools or neighbourhoods.


Ever Experience kids running towards you and sharing their bullied experience in school and we ever wonder how are the teachers or the school’s caring system protecting the kids? Well, the sad truth is teachers won’t be able to monitor every kid for the whole time while they are in school or on tuition. Even some top schools may have experience couple of bullying incident. Hence to prevent we should always role play with our kids and teach them how to assess the situation they are in, and learn to prevent bullying, escape, report, or stand up confidently and say no to bullying. Having Role play often helps kids to visualize what is about to happen and this way they are being prepared and learn to protect themselves accordingly.

Body language and Confidence

With role-play, kids can visualize what is about to happen, they should also learn how to project with confidence with their voice and body language to project firmness, and prevent such behavior in their environment. Given bullying may happen anywhere whether it’s in school or their curriculum lessons like outdoor activity where it tends to be physical, we should teach the kids how to prevent, protect themselves and others.

Stop the bully before it happens

Through role-play, body language, and confidence they can learn how to prevent the bullying before it happens from various form of role play in the incident that they will be experiencing within the environment that they are in such as friends gathering or certain new environement, They too should prevent, stop or report the situation to their teachers accordingly so to ensure there are adult supervision or support in this matter before the kids escalate the situation quickly.

Report before it escalates

Kids should also learn to report to the teachers on the situation that they have witness carefully and details to ensure the roots of the cause and to provide the appropriate help or discipline to the respective kids, Under the various form of assistance or environment like school or outdoor/indoor enrichment class, kids should be aware on where and who is their teacher to seek when in need of help so to ensure safety precautionary measures are in place to protect themselves and their friends.

Whether it’s an enrichment class, or a Tuition class session, life skills, or even soft skills such as what was written in the blog today of bullying, it brings value to your kids as it’s something they will be exposed to when they are still in the learning age. By exposing them to such an experience from a young, they will be able to learn independence, decision-making with confidence, and knowing what’s right and wrong. Having just these 3 aspects they can understand the basics of learning what’s required to ensure a full understanding, in which they can apply such communication, confidence, and teamwork in their enrichment class or their school session with their peers.




Simple, Easy Parenting and kids behaviour articles for sharing.