Hello, Helpful Slackers

Why Sensay bot is moving into your Slack org

3 min readMar 30, 2016


Sensay rocks at matching people together. Sensay matches those who need advice with someone who can help, via chat.

One year and tens of millions of messages later, Sensay has matched people to chat on every possible topic you can imagine.

We noticed a growing community of professionals using Sensay for serious business needs. Sensay does an awesome job of hooking people up around jobs, gigs, partnership, mentorship and more — all via text messages. Sensay has successfully connected people to co-founders, customers and contracts. We even hired a team member on Sensay.

So, we decided to add Sensay bot to the channel where business conversations happen — Slack!

In Slack, Sensay rewards helpful humans and teams with professional opportunities via chat

How does Sensay work in Slack?

  1. Tell Sensay what you know and what you (and your company) are good at and would be happy to chat about.
  2. Sensay matches you with people who need your advice.
  3. You chat and help them, good things happen.


People who need your knowledge or experience are looking to connect with you. When was the last time you said “I wish I could talk to someone who has used X product” or “I wish I knew what it’s like to work at X company”?

Sensay will drop your next customer, team member, advisor, partner, evangelist, mentor or investor right into a private Slack chat with you. Sound good?


All you need to do is reply when someone needs advice that you’re uniquely qualified to give. They will be grateful to receive it because they’ve been looking for the solutions your company provides, but Google was too noisy and LinkedIn too disconnected for them to find you.

You can also ask for advice and be open to receiving it from the community. Humans are simply looking for someone who knows X, has done Y, uses product Z and can connect the dots for them. Be a dot-connector. People are super open to your products and services if you approach them with a help-first mentality. We have heaps of data on this.

Where do I get it?

If you administer your team’s Slack: Get Sensay for Slack

Not a Slack admin? Hurry! Run or ride your electric longboard to chase down your Slack admin and beg them to upgrade your professional life. Tell them not to stress, Sensay doesn’t pry into your other channels or threads (it’s none of our business). Sensay just wants to help.

People of Slack: Be helpful to each other!

Ariel Jalali & Crystal Rose, Founders @ Sensay

Sensay is made with love by helpful humans in Venice, CA. You can reach them at humans@sensay.it or @sensay on Twitter



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one contact with the experience of millions of humans