The future of fitness is social

4 min readApr 18, 2022



Human fitness is very important due to the fact that until very recently, life was by default physically demanding.

Almost every minor task would get our heart rates up.

But a few decades ago, life started getting much more sedentary for a wide variety of people — and that’s a number constantly growing every day.

Of course, as life gets more static, the importance of physical activity is skyrocketing… And we’re approaching a critical moment where we need to reinvent our modern lives and social norms in order to put fitness at the forefront of our social priorities.

Even so, fitness actually used to be more popular than it is today.

The reasons are obvious:

🔹 The digital revolution hadn’t yet paralyzed us next to our devices.

🔹 Real-life interactions would be much more rewarding than remote ones.

🔹 Sports competitions, events, and athletes were held in much higher regard than today.

🔹 People were less busy and had more time and mental space to take up fitness.

These are all valid reasons to become more sedentary… But that doesn’t make sedentarism a desirable, or even valid option.

Without becoming overly dramatic, the truth is that a static lifestyle makes our lives miserable in the short term, makes us age considerably faster in the medium term, and steals many years from us in the long term.

Even if we wanted to, we can’t continue down this path.

And this is why we’re taking the very technology that imprisoned us and using it to become the best versions of ourselves.

Let’s take a look at the (above) reasons fitness is falling from grace and how we, at Sense4FIT, are going to turn them on their heads.

The digital revolution has paralyzed us next to our devices.


The key to solving this problem isn’t to try and will ourselves away from using technology but to lean into it and integrate it into our fitness routines.

We love being connected, and if that means that we’ll work out more and eat healthier with the help of apps and devices, so be it!

Mobile devices are an amazing tool for tracking progress, finding motivation & sharing our success with friends and other like-minded people. Using them increases our likelihood of success.

Real-life interactions today are less rewarding than remote ones.


The reason devices and apps can be so addictive is that they tap into our reptilian brains, which flood us with chemicals whenever we engage. Our central nervous systems are constantly being hijacked by online giants through the use of content.

It sounds a bit Sci-Fi, but it’s absolutely true.

But we can take back control of our habits, by leveraging this technology and putting it to better use, through the following functionalities:

  • Online social fitness interactions.
  • Live online workouts.
  • Metaverse experiences.
  • Community challenges.

This is the way we’ll merge healthy, life-changing, activities with the excitement & comfort of the digital landscape.

Sports competitions, events, and athletes aren’t as highly regarded today.


Competition and love of challenges are deeply rooted human traits. They were crucial to our survival for hundreds of thousands of years. They’re still hard-coded within any person.

Just a couple of decades ago, team sports were much more popular for the masses, than they are today. Teamwork and competition would drive people to keep active.

Now — with all of our digital alternatives — we don’t feel the need to be active. We can feel just as active from our couches or desks, surfing the social apps or binge-watching TV shows.

Our response to this reality is to spark the spirit of competition, back into the hearts of millions of people, by encouraging ambition and determination through metaverse challenges and rewards.

It’s different when you’re directly challenged and when you can see your friends’ progress & statistics in real-time.

People are too busy and don’t even have enough mental space to take up fitness.


It’s true that more and more of us are exhausted and burnt out by our modern lifestyles.

But we always manage to find time for our little guilty pleasures, like social media, TV shows, gaming, etc.

We believe in convenience and fun.

If people can have real fun & socialize during their workouts, they will be incentivized to do so. And if the medium they are using for their fitness is extremely convenient at all times, they will work out frequently.

The future of fitness is social.

Everything humans do is social. We are social animals and we always enjoy each other. Even if at times we don’t feel like this is true.

Social media has exploited our deep need for interaction and basically made us sedentary.

But we can turn this situation on its head, and use cutting-edge technologies like VR, AI & Blockchain to make fun & meaningful digital interactions possible in the world of fitness.

The Fitnessverse is coming, and it will change the way we relate to health and fitness.




Ecosystem has 4 different businesses that are attached to one idea — wellness.