Resuming Transformation Programs

Sense & Change
2 min readMay 7, 2020


As the attention of executives has shifted towards business continuity plans, employee safety and dealing with the crisis, many transformation programs that were initiated before the pandemic have been put on hold or have slowed down considerably.

One of our readers has asked us to share our perspective on adjusting expectations and the goal posts of transformation programs, while keeping the momentum created before the lockdown.

According to a recent McKinsey study, most stalls are addressable.

We consider that three (re)alignments and the associated conversations are needed in order to successfully continue transformation programs.

Alternatively, you can download the high-resolution PDF here.

Alignment #1: Direction

  • Did our company vision change due to the recent events?
  • Did our company strategy change?
  • How did the strategic priorities change

Alignment #2: Expectations from the transformation program

  • Are desired outcomes of the program the same?
  • How did the business case for the program change? Timing? Impact?
  • What is the current organizational context?
  • Did the priorities of key stakeholders shift?
  • How has stakeholder and commitment changed?
  • How has sponsoring, governance and steering of the program changed?

Alignment #3: Operational

  • Is there any change in the resourcing of the program, given the new context? Talent leading and contributing to the program? Funding allocated to it?
  • Is there any change in the program roadmap, especially if the business case is revisited and the current organizational context is taken into account?
  • Is there any change in the communication plan?
  • Is there any change in the ways of working of the program team and their stakeholders?

During these conversations, we encourage you to engage with empathy, low self-interest, credibility and then walk the talk on what you have agreed with your conversation partners.

We hope that most of you manage to adjust your transformation programs to be relevant in the new context and keep building value for your organization. Stay safe and keep your spirits up!



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