Create smart ecosystems of products and services based on our Situative Relevance Index (SRI), the next generation 360° Customer Value Proposition.

4 min readOct 13, 2020


The Ultimate Customer Experience is what you want to achieve when you’re transforming your business from a customer-oriented to a customer-centered company.

You may remember that the term “user or customer experience” describes the entirety of all user experiences in the context of an analog or digital product, a marketplace, a smart ecosystem or an IoT platform. It describes the impact of these things on a user or customer and reflects customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, a positive word-of-mouth effect or a high net promoter score, as well as the economic prosperity of a company.

The Ultimate Customer Experience (UCX) extends the “standard user experience” through its customer-centric approach and the smart usage of big data, IoT and AI, to create a seamless holistic experience of a whole product ecosystem.

So, how do you put this into practice?

Our previous piece discussed the FLYWHEEL Business Growth Model as the first step before setting up a Customer-Centric Experience Strategy. With that in mind, you can begin defining further parts of your holistic strategic approach. Let’s explain in a bit more detail now the elements upon which this Customer-Centric Experience Strategy is built.

Creating the Ultimate Customer Experience (UCX) by defining your individual Customer-Centric Experience Strategy — Visualization by Sensory-Minds.

Understand that ALL your products and services have to be aligned and harmonized within one large ecosystem. Every single facet of your business is part of the sum and therefore contributing its individual value to the greater value of the whole customer experience.

The Customer-Centric Experience Strategy in general has three major focus areas: Insights, Data and Relevance. Of course, all three focus areas put the customer at the center of all thoughts. ;)

1 — Insights

Start with customer insights. Find out about the goals and needs of your customers as well as desires and expectations concerning your product solutions. Even more interesting are any problems, obstacles and challenges your customers might be facing in their daily routine, since this is where your products and services can offer great value to them (→ lowers the hurdle of attracting prospects in the first place).

Examples of methods and tools used to gather insights are for example:

  • Design Thinking and Service Design (e.g. Empathy Interviews, Observations)
  • Personas (real, not fictional)
  • Customer Journeys and User Journey Mapping

Once you know your clients better than they do ;) define micro-strategies for the following strategic areas:

2 — Data

As soon as you get a grip on your users (e.g. you know their mailing address), step by step start collecting as much data as possible. Know when they are online, at home or on the road. In this way you can find out about actual facts and discover trends before they are named like this. Know how the weather is and get facts from your customer’s neighborhood and online life. Use sensors and actuators on your products to track the movement, behavior, interaction and reaction of your users.

Most importantly here: Always RESPECT privacy and data security regulations! Violating existing rules and laws can lose you your customer’s trust forever.

Manifest your results in these data-driven micro-strategies:

3 — Relevance

All the insights and data in the world are worth nothing, if you’re unable to extract from them relevant learnings for your strategy. Find out, what functional, emotional and social relevance or impact your products and services might have on your customers. How do general political or global trends affect the decision-making of your customers? And how is all this related to your company’s business goals (Sales, RoI etc)?

Evaluate and rate, if a certain action, reaction or attitude of your customers is critical, relevant or trivial for your business strategy. Also, evaluate all insights and data collections in the context of time — is it something you were tracking before, during or after a certain occasion?

Putting all the above together, you will come up with micro-strategies for:

Want to learn more about micro-strategies within the Customer-Centric Experience Strategy to create an Ultimate User Experience?

You may want to have a look at our previous articles on
Customer Centricity Transformation and Flywheel Business Growth Model or just stay tuned to coming up articles on Situative Relevance Index (SRI), Behavioral Analytics, Phygital Experiences etc… ;)

Get in contact:
Eve Cecon | Business Innovation Strategist @ Sensory-Minds




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