Intelligent & Integrated Mobility, SAP DevX Challenge: The Results

Senta Belay
6 min readMay 26, 2019

SAP DevX Challenges are a new iteration of Hackathons, where subject matter experts and technology enthusiasts come together to solve a themed topic that stakeholders present as the challenges.

In this challenge, the Stakeholder(Smart Dublin) and the teams (SAP Ireland) were well aligned. The topic Intelligent & Integrated Mobility was organized in Dublin, Ireland at SAP’s Labs location, and the experts and technologist happen to be constituents of the city of Dublin with their own needs of a smarter Dublin for their mobility needs — and hence the close alignment of the teams and the stakeholders.

The method was to do Design Sprints to solve the challenge. A structured approach of fast ideation and decision points within a specified time frame to reach a minimum viable prototype. Equal Experts made this happen through their unique facilitation expertise.

… and Drum role…. here below the innovative prototypes of the 6 teams.

Team 1: Happy Path

A city has several age groups, school age children is one of them. The way they travel to/from school does have a large impact on traffic and climate change.

Happy Path decided to bring the safety aspect of taking kids to school and the tried concept of rewards and incentives to help make parents opt for a sustainable mode of transport for their kids.



Senta Belay

I am a practical futurist. I focus on what is possible today, with an eye on the future in the world of smart mobility in cities.