All that you need to comprehend about applied kinesiology.

2 min readOct 26, 2021


The study of muscles and the related health with muscle health is called Applied Kinesiology (AK). It uses an arrangement of manual muscle testing and treatment. AK depends on the hypothesis that a particular muscle shortcoming joins organ brokenness. Infections are analyzed through muscle-testing methods and afterward treated. AK isn’t equivalent to kinesiology or biomechanics, which is the logical investigation of development.

Applied kinesiology cannot cure major diseases like diabetes, cancer, infections, or arthritis. The main focus of the study is to prevent the person from consuming any medicine, which means its motive is to prevent the individual from having the disease. It looks for a holistic approach.

There are five areas where the applied kinesiology do diagnosis and therapy-

  • the meridian system
  • the vascular (blood vessel) system
  • the nervous system
  • the cerebrospinal system
  • the lymphatic system

AK begins with muscle testing as it assists in diagnosing the part of the body that is working abnormally. The muscle testing is done properly by keeping the body in a certain position where the muscles are contracted, and required pressure is applied. Muscle testing does not test the strength of the muscle; rather, it mentions the imbalances and the stresses of the body. It benefits in knowing the problems in our body muscles.

Here are some of the internal causes of muscle weakness. It includes-

  • excesses or deficiencies in nutrition
  • blockage of an acupuncture meridian
  • reduction of blood supply
  • dysfunction of nerve supply
  • impairment of lymphatic drainage
  • dysfunction of organs or glands
  • abnormal pressure in cerebral fluid
  • imbalance of chemicals

Search applied kinesiology near me and gain the benefits of applied kinesiology. below are some of the goals of AK -

  • correct gait (walking) impairment, improve range of motion and restore postural balance
  • restore normal nerve function
  • achieve normal endocrine, internal organ functions, immunity, and good digestive system

Applied kinesiology is the substitute medication approach used to analyze medical issues or medical problems using the rule that there is a relationship between specific glands and organs with muscles in the body. It declares that tending to muscle shortcoming in the body supports the recuperating of the organ or organ it is connected to. Consequently, it utilizes muscle testing to recognize debilitated muscles and uses those weakened muscles to indicate disease or injury somewhere else in the body.

Look for applied kinesiology near me and enjoy the benefits of it and stay away from health problems.




Dr. Philip J. Crane, D.C., is an Applied Kinesiologist and Chiropractor who partners with athletes and individuals who seek physical peak performance.