Everything You Should Know About Applied Kinesiology

3 min readApr 8, 2022


The modern-day lifestyle is characterized by a dominance of sedentary activities where people are required to sit in one place and one position for long hours. Most of the tasks are performed in front of a screen these days and since people are prone to sitting in a chair for a long time, their muscles also become prone to straining and pain. Going for checkups at regular intervals has become a necessity for everyone. Attending applied kinesiology appointments is particularly necessary for those who are involved in a physically stimulating field like sports where they are needed to be at the peak of their physical performance at all times.

What is meant by applied kinesiology?

Applied kinesiology, also referred to as muscle testing or manual muscle testing (MMT) refers to an alternative medicinal practice that is known to diagnose mental, muscular, structural, and chemical ailments effectively. It should not be regarded as a constituent of the science of kinesiology which refers to the study of the human body’s movement.

Akin to Sir Isaac Newton’s Laws of Motion where every action produces an equal and opposite reaction, this concept applies to the human body as well. In simple terms, this implies that there will be muscle weakness whenever there is an internal issue occurring in the body. As per this belief, a muscle test will help determine the underlying medical condition.

What is the significance of applied kinesiology?

An estimated 43% of chiropractic offices have been reported to use applied kinesiology in the United States according to the 1998 survey done by the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners (NBCE) and hence, it is imperative.

  • Comprehension of the severity of the problem

Manual muscle testing can not only help you diagnose an underlying condition but it can also help you gain an awareness and understanding of the severity of the problem.

  • Plan your treatment

Once you have clarity about how severe the problem is, you can go ahead and plan your treatment procedures accordingly. This will also help you schedule your medical appointments and organize your financial resources accordingly.

  • Prevents deformities

Manual muscle testing can help you to locate areas where the problem occurs and this is imperative for the prevention of any deformities.

  • Determines efficiency of the treatment

It is not only helpful for the patient in determining his or her underlying condition but it also helps the medical professional determine what kind of treatment will be most effective for the concerned individual.

  • Provides in-depth analysis

Through manual muscle testing, individuals can learn a lot such as whether a muscle is normal or not, the extent of its strength, if there is any pattern existing in the muscle weakness, if the muscle is weak on both sides, and the like.

Final Thoughts

There are a plethora of therapies in the arsenal of applied kinesiology and if you want to book an appointment for the same, make sure you rely on reputed professionals such as Sentinel Health and Wellness.




Dr. Philip J. Crane, D.C., is an Applied Kinesiologist and Chiropractor who partners with athletes and individuals who seek physical peak performance.