And with that I’m back.

3 min readMar 24, 2020


I welcome you to this short introduction to my blog.

After years of thinking and empty notebooks (like what you exactly see above) and coffee, I’m finally back to blogging. Nothing special. Just trying my best not to get too caught up on what’s real and fake (news).

What would I probably write mostly about

I’d probably write mostly about my observations that I can’t carelessly speak of while at work or in Sunday gatherings such as my personal responses to the current trends in digital, evangelicalism and anything my hands could get on — as my wife and I wait for the coming of our unnamed little angel. If you can hang on a little longer for me to stock up a good amount of content, then I shall see you in the comment section in any of these.

What are my qualifications

As someone who talks a lot about digital and data

I’ve been exposed to digital marketing since 2009 when I a BPO company in the Philippines. In 2013, I shifted full-time to digital marketing and have been involved in the successes of my campaigns (with an unforgettable one winning three Guinness World records). I’ve worked with creative agencies (above & below the line advertising), really popular shoe brands and startups. I have a degree in business administration, major in management and carefully planning my MBA studies. I also have digital certifications from HubSpot, Google and Facebook.

As someone who talks about Christianity and how Jesus is enough

I’ve been active in the ministry with my former church since 2004. In college, I joined InterVarsity. In 2014, I finished an undergraduate degree in theology — where I was encouraged to read a lot (like lots of resources!). A year after, I joined church plant as an associate pastor that lasted for two years. Right after, I joined a more developed Bible-believing and exalting church (and is still there with my lovely wife).

How often would I write

Maybe not today or tomorrow but I sure will

I’ve decided to write again not because there’s an opportunity to do so but because I can. I believe that this is a way for me to glorify God (1 Cor. 10:31). As I manage my time at work, with my wife, my music career and my upcoming graduate studies, I’d commit myself to writing at least once a month. Nevertheless I’ll do my best in sharing the writings of past and present evangelical preachers (or research/ studies related to Christians) weekly, the earliest every Sunday/ Monday morning.

What could you expect

You like quotes, don’t you?

Yes! Every week (or most of the time), you will read an exact excerpt from the writings of past and present evangelical preachers of the Word. I do not earn any revenue from sharing these resources and are simply part of my ministry to share biblical nourishment to as many people possible. I do not allow these articles to be recommended through topics on Medium nor allow curators to recommend to interested readers so as not to qualify it for either the Medium Partner Program or their metered paywall.

You have a genre, don’t you?

I’ll do my best to keep it simple, on-point and be worthy of anyone’s (whose interest would be similar to what I would write mostly about) time. If that is who you are, then welcome to my blog.

Be sure to subscribe by following @sentiremdraft on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and here on Medium. You can also send me an email at

Also know that all ideas, reflections are my personal opinions and do not reflect those of my employer, church, denomination, or anyone else.

How Can I support Sentirem Draft

Do you accept donations?

Prayers and support by following Sentirem Draft on MeWe, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and here on Medium are truly appreciated. Nevertheless, if you prayerfully consider supporting the work of Sentirem Draft financially, no amount is too small and you will be redirected to Donor Box for more information.

