PinnedPractical Pandas for Data Engineering/Science — Part 1Motivation: In this post I shall go through some pandas functions that will help a budding data scientist or an analyst to analyze.Oct 19, 2022Oct 19, 2022
PinnedHow to get a Data Analyst job in 2022 & 2023There is no better time than now for becoming a data analyst. The amount of companies looking for data professionals is ever growing. This…Jul 5, 2022Jul 5, 2022
PinnedHow to get a Reporting Analyst job in 2022 & 2023Reporting Analysts are the people who creates reports that go to the client/customer. They make sure the reports have the right numbers and…Jul 16, 2022Jul 16, 2022
Why context and simple solutions matter more than building complex solutions?Not all companies are alike. Some companies/teams work with smaller datasets. It is not their fault that even in this data race, their…Dec 3, 2023Dec 3, 2023
Schema validation for a pandas data frameData engineers and scientists have to make sure that the data being used is of good quality. “Garbage in, garbage out”, whether it is an…Jul 27, 2023Jul 27, 2023
5 common built-in functions in Python for data science and engineeringMotivation: Use of built in functions for wrangling of dataJul 26, 2023Jul 26, 2023
How to configure AWS CLI to your accountAWS CLI is an open source tool, that helps us connect to AWS Cloud and interact with using commands in our shell environment.Jul 19, 2023Jul 19, 2023
What is ‘kwargs’ in python?Motivation: To introduce kwargs in functions and understandJul 11, 2023Jul 11, 2023
Logging vs Print for the health of the python program/scriptMotivation : To learn how to aid in tracking the events of some program, so that we can point the issue if the program fails to execute…Jul 1, 2023Jul 1, 2023
Practical Pandas for Data Engineering/Science — Part 2Motivation: This post is about functions that will help a budding data scientist or an analyst to analyze.Oct 20, 2022Oct 20, 2022