Some Easy Persuasive Speech Topics For Students

Seo Specialist
7 min readSep 24, 2020


What Is Persuasive Speech?

Persuasive speech is a particular form of speech in which the speaker has the aim of persuading the listener to support his or her point of view. The speech is structured in such a manner as to potentially allow the listener to embrace all or part of the view conveyed.

Although the ultimate aim of a convincing speech is to encourage the audience to consider a viewpoint, not all viewers can be persuaded by a single speech, and not all perspectives can satisfy the audience. The performance of a convincing speech is also measured by the ability of the audience to accept the point of the speaker.

Purpose Of Persuasive Speech

The aim of a persuasive speech is to persuade your audience to agree with the idea or perspective you are presenting. First, you’re going to have to pick a side on a controversial subject, then you’re going to write a speech to justify your stance and persuade the crowd to agree with you.

If you arrange your case as a solution to a dilemma, you will make a successful convincing expression. Your first task as a speaker is to persuade your audience that a specific topic is important to them, and then you have to reassure them that you have the answer to making it easier.

Note: You don’t have to deal with a serious challenge. Any need could act as a concern. For example, you might recognize the lack of a cat, the need to wash one’s hands, or the need to select a specific sport to play as a “problem.”

As an example, let’s pretend that you choose “Getting Up Early” as your subject of persuasion. Your goal would be to convince classmates to get out of bed an hour early every morning. In this scenario, the dilemma could be summarized as “morning confusion.”

The basic speech style contains an introduction with a fantastic hook phrase, three key points, and a description. Your convincing speech would be a personalized variant of this method.

Before you write the text of your speech, you can draw an outline that contains your hook argument and three key points.

Persuasive Essay Topics For Students

When given the challenge of making a convincing expression, it is most often up to a student to pick up on the subject. Choosing the best subject for convincing speech is also not as easy to do as it would seem. The infinite alternative is often mistaken with the student.

In any case, it is often a smarter choice to focus on a subject that is especially personal to you and that you have a real interest in, rather than simply selecting a random subject. Discussing anything you’re familiar with is not only more interesting but also much simpler.

To support the student, we have assembled this long list of topics in a wide variety of categories. The themes in our list differ widely in their topics but are similarly entertaining and thrilling.

We also included all the classic compelling debate of millions of students and others over the years — such as cessation of pregnancy, weapon control, same-sex marriage, public smoking, etc., as well as some of the more initial ones that have remained largely unexplored — for the time being.


  1. Why is it important to assess and re-certify school staff on a daily basis with their pedagogical skills?
  2. Is it acceptable to provide free higher education to all students from socially disadvantaged backgrounds?
  3. Will secondary schools be in control of the college admissions exams?
  4. When are students trapped in cyberbullying to be stopped or persecuted?
  5. Should community service become a compulsory part of a high education system?
  6. Advantages and disadvantages of having students use phones in school territories.
  7. Will only honor students be eligible to play in school sports teams?
  8. Why do art lessons need to be implemented in all school systems?
  9. Does it actually make learning in a study hall less successful while you listen to music?
  10. Why do boys and girls often share classes these days, and how does this law stand?
  11. Can soda and candy be available in vending machines and at school breakfasts on the menu?
  12. Is it reasonable to cause the GPA to be influenced by gym grades?
  13. Is it acceptable to close down schools that are under-performing on test scores?
  14. Should college admission officers conduct required evaluation examinations on all candidates to assess them?
  15. Should it be declared illegal to leave children out of school?
  16. Is it a smart idea to incorporate compulsory life skills courses to the curriculum?
  17. Should state schools be run just for taxpayer dollars?
  18. Should we replace textbooks completely with notebooks or tablets?
  19. How relevant is the promotion of education in other nations, and why?
  20. Is it successful to compel less well-performing students to retake the class?
  21. Is it successful to compel less well-performing students to retake the class?
  22. Is it really appropriate for any student to study a foreign language in the United States?
  23. Should athletes on school athletic teams be free from the gym class?
  24. Should computer science become a mandatory discipline?
  25. Would the college be worried about the jobs of its students the following graduation?
  26. Should creationism be presented in biology courses alongside evolutionary theory?
  27. Is it outdated to calculate the amount of education offered and earned in-class hours?
  28. Should commercial ads be permitted in schools?
  29. Should students have to wait for permission to go to the toilet?
  30. Is it a smart idea to incorporate a handwriting class into your curriculum?
  31. Does it make sense to start school an hour or two late mornings?
  32. Should students be permitted to leave campus for lunch?
  33. Why is the study hall equivalent, if not greater, than the typical class today?
  34. Could we excuse a pupil who listens to class music?
  35. Should school playground trips be limited to our country of origin?
  36. Should there be a certain age before and after that one could not have served as a teacher?
  37. How many different languages could a student be taught?
  38. Is the introduction of emerging technology in schools sufficient?
  39. Why is the learning of music essential?
  40. Can college brotherhoods and sororities be transferred to high school?
  41. Should the socioeconomic history of the applicants affect the amount of financial assistance they receive by studying hard?
  42. Is it important to introduce the home economy to the compulsory curriculum?
  43. Should more students be allowed to use Chinese as their language of study?
  44. The importance of learning Spanish in schools
  45. If SAT scores do not affect the probability of being accepted in college, then why do they exist?
  46. The pros and cons of private schools versus public schools
  47. Will standardized testing actually lead to equal opportunities?
  48. Why should students be motivated to take part in foreign exchange initiatives?
  49. Why are certain social classes deprived of good schooling, and why do they need to be fixed?
  50. Is the PARCC test acceptable and/or essential?

Sure, with such a wide range of topics to pick from, only choosing one can be a struggle. As we have already mentioned, the trick is to select a topic that relates to you individually. This is one of the best ways to do any research paper because it’s going to be a lot more exciting to study the subject and because writing the original newspaper is going to be a lot of fun!

Even, choosing the right subject for your essay is not the only concern as a student. The next step will be to make a convincing thesis argument. As a convention, at the end of the opening paragraph, the essay writers present their study. Further on, you’re going to base your paper on this argument, so choose wisely.

The number of main points would most likely depend on the duration of your article. Normally, making three key points to make the case is enough for a persuasive paper. This, in turn, will send you three body paragraphs, each beginning with its own stage. Be sure you use reasonable transitions between articles, though-don’t simply move from one topic to another.

The number of main points would most likely depend on the duration of your article. Normally, making three key points to make the case is enough for a persuasive paper. This, in turn, will send you three main points, each beginning with its own stage. Be sure you use reasonable transitions between articles, though-don’t simply move from one topic to another.

All in all, you can see that writing a convincing article is not brain surgery. Even, it would be difficult to argue that the procedure takes quite a bit of time and focus. Plus, whether you are given a convincing paper on one of the minor topics, it can sometimes be impossible to take the time off the topics you are researching. Luckily, there’s still a way out for you. Custom writing in this specific situation is the ideal solution that saves effort and time.

Our organization has supported thousands of over-stressed students from all over the world with their academic assignments. We’re working with a broad range of social, exact research, and humanities articles. And the best thing is-each paper is assigned to a trained specialist in the field, which is why all design papers published here follow the rigorous standards of professional writing, as well as the precise criteria of the subject.

