5 Questions You Should Ask Before Hiring a Move Out Cleaning Service

Quick Cleaning
2 min readDec 21, 2019

A move out cleaning service should be able to give you a telephone quote based on the size of your home or store and how often you want the cleaning service. Here are five key questions to help you assess the services provided by a professional move out cleaning company.

What is included in a move out cleaning?

Moving cleaning must include:

  • Bathroom sink, tub, mirrors, toilet, shower rails, hand clean bathroom baseboards and bathroom cabinets interior and exterior.
  • Kitchen cleanings such as counters, sink, table, stovetop, microwave interior and exterior, refrigerator interior and exterior, oven, cabinets are also performed.
  • Dust is removed from blinds, window sills, furniture and lighting fixtures (within reach).
  • Mop, vacuum all rooms, wash interior windows and sliding glass door (within reach).
  • Emptied inner garbage cans are also cleaned and taken to an outer garbage container.
  • Besides, the baseboards of the bedroom, the cabinets of the laundry room and the living room are cleaned.

Do house cleaners bring their supplies?

The cleaning company must bring its cleaning products. When professional cleaners bring their products, they know how to use them safely and effectively.

What are the rates and how do I pay?

Cleaning companies use work hours or “man-hours” when they quote jobs. Normally this is a flat fee per cleaning, or it might be an hourly rate.

How long will the cleaning take?

Professional end of tenancy cleaning or end of lease cleaning should not take more than 4 hours. Except when performing a deep clean. Deep cleaning depends on the status of the property. The time it takes to clean depends on the number of people cleaning the home, the efficiency of the products and equipment used by the team, and the thoroughness of the service, which may include a superficial cleaning for something quick or a deep cleaning with hand washed floors for something completely flawless.

A good rule of thumb with a four-person cleaning crew is 60 minutes per 1,000 square feet cleaned during an initial deep cleaning.

How many cleaners will do the job?

The number of cleaners sent you your address will determine the overall cost with some companies. This will also extend or shorten the cleaning time.

Need Help Finding a Reliable Cleaning Service In Chicago?

At Quick Cleaning, we provide complete top to bottom move out cleaning for Chicago and Suburbs. Contact our office at 773–800–2524 for the best move out cleaning rates in Chicago.



Quick Cleaning

For more than 10 yrs we've strived to provide the best in house cleaning tips. Our service area covers Chicago an a 45 mile radius.