Must-haves in your baby furniture

Mariam Marrabani
3 min readFeb 3, 2023


● baby furniture in Australia

The nursery should be a comfortable and relaxing environment for both you and your newborn. But which baby furniture in Australia is essential and which is a luxury? Use the nursery checklist below to stock up on what you require and splurge on what you desire.

Your baby’s nursery should ideally be set up a few weeks before your due date. You never know if they’ll decide to show up early!

As a pregnant woman, you want to do everything possible to prepare for the arrival of your child. Pregnant women usually go through a “nesting” phase in the third trimester. Cleaning and organising the home is a natural instinct.

Despite the numerous décor options, the top three must-have baby furniture items in Australia are a baby crib, bedding, and changing table.


It provides a secure, sturdy, and comfortable environment for your infant to sleep in peace. Choose one that will grow with your child and be appropriate until the age of three. However, if they learn to climb out on their own, you may need to replace it sooner.

Cribs are subject to stringent safety regulations in the majority of countries. Choose the following features when shopping:

● A simple design, free of decorative elements which may snag clothing or pose hazards

● Vertical slats spaced 2 3/8 inches apart or less

● A secure frame, with no protruding bolts or screws

● Stationary sides, as opposed to drop-sides, which are considered unsafe

Purchase your mattress at the same time as your crib to ensure a snug fit. Also, keep in mind that most models are not preassembled, so allow for additional time for delivery and setup. Finally, avoid purchasing a used crib to save money because it may not meet current safety regulations.


When it comes to your baby’s bedding, safety takes precedence over design. All you’ll need are washable mattress covers and an elasticized fitted sheet.

To reduce the risk of choking or suffocation, avoid using pillows, blankets, padded bumpers, and stuffed animals. In the winter, wrap them in a swaddle or wearable blanket/sleep sack instead.

Changing table

Make a special area for changing your baby, with fresh diapers, wipes, creams, and onesies neatly organised. Many tables on the market today have built-in shelves and drawers, ensuring that these necessities are always close at hand.

Choose a piece that allows you to lean over comfortably. Check that it has barriers on all four sides and can be anchored to prevent it from tipping over. A table with a safety belt is usually the best bet. However, this does not imply that you should ever leave your child unattended there.

How to set up baby furniture in Australia?

Now that you know what you need in a nursery, the next task on your list is to set up baby furniture. With proper planning, everything from daily feedings to diaper changes to getting them dressed will run like clockwork.

Put everything within reach

Clothing, linens, and supplies are kept within your reach, not your baby’s, in a well-organized nursery. Never store items on high shelves that are inaccessible without assistance. Keep unnecessary clutter out of closet doors and dresser drawers, and move non-essentials to other rooms.

Include low, kid-friendly shelves with soft baskets for toys and books if your nursery also serves as a playroom.

Arrange furniture the smart way

Remember to prioritise function over form when planning layout. Place the crib away from windows, heaters, wall hangings, electrical outlets, and power cords. Keep a clear path between the doorway and the crib in case you need to hurry or navigate in the dark.

Check play areas for sharp objects and other potential hazards. Remove any vent obstructions and secure dressers and shelves to the wall. Moving your changing table and breastfeeding chair as close to the crib as possible is also a good idea.

