Basics of Vehicle Tracking Systems

Ryoking Vemos
2 min readMay 8, 2019


Vehicle Tracking System

Vehicle tracking system is a technologically advanced system that enables tracking of vehicles through an electronically controlled device. All the vehicles are fitted with an electronic device that is controlled by well-designed computer software at one specific operational base. Through this, the owner or the third party can easily track the location of their vehicles.

The modern day vehicles are fitted with GPS (Global Positioning System) to track vehicles. It is a satellite-based navigation system that comprises a network of 28 satellites positioned into orbit. But later on, the need for GPS was felt in various other industries as well and that’s the reason the system was allowed to be used by the civilians.

GPS system comprises of mainly three segments: space, user, and control. Space fragment is the area that includes the system of satellites, the client section is the collector that is a characterized electronic gadget situated in the vehicle, and the control portion that screens ground stations for the smooth working of the satellites. All three segments work in conjunction with each other to precisely detect the vehicle location.

Tracking of vehicles is of great significance to one and all. For individuals owing to the car, the GPS Tracker for Car helps to resolve the case of car theft by tracking the perfect location of their vehicle. Furthermore, the system is widely used across various platforms including the food industry, constriction industry, cargo industry, and transport industry. In the food industry, the GPS system is used for the distribution of food to various places by different restaurants. In the cargo industry where timely delivery is the main objective, this technologically advanced system is of utmost importance as it helps in better planning of the transportation processes and supervising vehicle movements. In the construction industry, it helps in assuring timely delivery of construction material and in the transportation industry it is used for supervising the speed of drivers, tracking the vehicle location, and also for setting up a route for them.

Apart from this, it is also used in case of emergency services like fire, accident, police, and paramedic. In any emergency situation, the advancement helps in locating vehicles that are in need or help by any of these services.

With numerous benefits, the vehicle tracking system has definitely become one of the most significant and functional technological advancement in the present day.

