Three Different Groundnut Oil Uses You Must Try

3 min readJul 18, 2022


groundnut oil

Groundnut does not only satisfy your taste bud with its exotic flavor. The oil extracted from it facilitates you in several ways! First of all, it’s rich in fibre and protein. Therefore it offers several health benefits. Additionally, the oil has a neutral taste, which means it will not affect the core taste of any dish. Apart from just using it as cooking oil, there are many groundnut oil uses that you should give a try once in your life! Read ahead to know what they are!

Nutritional value of groundnut oil

Before jumping into the different uses of groundnut oil, let’s discuss what nutritional value the oil carries with it. Well, a tablespoon of the oil serves around 119.3 kcal, 8.7% Vitamin E, 1% iron, Vitamin K, and choline. The best part is that groundnut oil does not contain any cholesterol. Other essential nutrients that the oil is packed with include Carbohydrates, Vitamin B, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, etc. So, if you’re planning to buy groundnut oil online, go ahead, as the oil offers multiple nutritional values.

Top 3 uses of groundnut oil

Groundnut oil is definitely a great pick when it comes to choosing cooking oil. But, do you know that there are several other top-notch groundnut oil uses? Yes, and here we will be talking about the top 3 ones!

Massage therapy

Do you suffer from severe muscle aches and joint pain? Then massaging with groundnut oil can be a fantastic way to get rid of joint problems. It instantly freshens you up and relieves your joint ailments.

Groundnut oil is a rich source of Vitamin E, which protects your skin from external damages, enhancing your body postures. In fact, if you are looking for a healthy body oil for your baby, groundnut oil can be a good-fit choice.


Those who have chronic acne problems can find groundnut oil exceptionally helpful. Mix peanut oil with lime juice and apply it to your acne daily to get the best result. The DIY recipe gradually reduces the appearance of your acne as well as its spots. Moreover, the oil acts as an excellent nourishing agent for dry and chapped skin while preventing blackheads.

Hair Growth

Well, groundnut oil can be called a complete beauty care element! Along with improving your skin texture and body postures, the oil works amazingly in encouraging your hair growth. Besides promoting hair growth, the oil locks moisture into your hair, reduces hair fall, and prevents split ends. In addition to that, the oil reduces the appearance of dandruff, treating flaky scalp and frizzy hair.

While groundnut oil uses are vast and equip you with loads of benefits, some people can be allergic to it. And if the allergy triggers, the consequences are really hard to deal with. So, before you come in contact with groundnut oil, do not forget to get yourself diagnosed ensuring that you are allergic to it.

