Instagram vs Pinterest. Know the differences and similarities.

Prosenjit Debnath
3 min readJan 29, 2020


It is said, “1st impression is the last impression”. The application of the visual content plays a great role to get the quick attention of the target audience of a brand.

But the question is where to share the visual content of your brand?

Though nowadays there are a lot of portals to post visual content but different portals are actually used for different usages e.g Facebook is to share ideas and engage the target audience, LinkedIn is to create a professional influence of a brand e.t.c. These portals are not image sharing portals only.

Pinterest and Instagram are two biggest image sharing platforms. All most all brands, bloggers, web admins in this World use these two platforms to expose their creation and activities.

Are these two platforms the same?

Exactly not, We have discussed the points of differences as follow:-
Usage difference between Instagram and Pinterest:-

Instagram is used to post pictures and videos. You can also tweak your images by using a different types of filters. Instagram is programmed to provide a personal experience with brands it’s users follow and engages with. That’s why you need to share the visual content on Instagram in such a way that your audience can feel the authentic view of your brand or business.

Pinterest acts as a search engine of images. Brands and individuals share the images of their products and services to being discovered by their target audience. Users of Pinterest mainly search for specific content, products or inspiration.

Differences in the application of links:-

You can direct your audience to a specific link, which is the profile link. You can redirect the viewers to your website from the bio section.

While in Pinterest, every image is linked to the source. In maximum cases, the sources are the main website or the link of any blog post.

Though the purpose of the image posting on these two portals is different but the goal is common, which is getting more traffic to a particular website.

Type of target audience:-

With 70% of women userbase Pinterest has the biggest gender difference then the user base of all other social networks. Though many men also use this portal. So, you have to take extra care to design your visual content before posting on Pinterest.

In contrast, Instagram is evenly used by men and women. Users can follow the source of images and videos as per their choices and preferences. So exclusivity of the content is the key aspect to get more viewers and engagement.


Engagement in Pinterest denotes comments and saves as a pin. In our experience, we have perceived more save as pin rather than a comment.

Engagement in Instagram denotes comment, share, like and bookmark save. So there are more engagement options are available on Instagram than Pinterest.

Difference between the storytelling techniques:-

You will get the option to create a board. This board system is introduced to organize your pins within specific categories. So you can post several related pins within a particular board to create the storytelling effect. This approach is very useful to get a dedicated viewership.

In contrast, you have to create several posts on Instagram from your business profile to create a storytelling effect. As Instagram is personal in nature the chances of band engagement are far greater than that of Pinterest.


Both Pinterest and Instagram are image sharing platform but the purposes of these two platforms are different. If you want to drive traffic to your website, then Pinterest is suitable for your brand but if you want to promote your products and brands especially for engagement and to increase online sales then Instagram will pay off better.

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