Sinusitis Treatment — Do Antibiotics Really Cure Sinus Infection?

2 min readJul 14, 2019


Sinuses are hollow pockets of air located on either side of the nose, behind and in-between the eyes, and in the forehead. The sinuses produce mucus that cleans and moistens the membranes of the nose and throat. When the sinuses become blocked and filled with fluid, bacteria can grow there and cause infection (sinusitis). Sinusitis is another name for a sinus infection, a common disorder. Sinusitis treatment should be required when the symptoms become chronic.

Sinusitis is an infection of the air passages (sinuses) inside the skull bones next to the nose. Any blockage of the normal ostium leads to disturbed mucociliary transport and subsequently infection of the sinus. The frontal and the maxillary sinuses open into the middle meatus. The sinusitis treatment should deal simultaneously with the infected area.

Usually the simple sinusitis treatment is to use a natural antibiotic for sinus infection that is proven to work. Otherwise antihistamines are generally best used in the case of allergies, and do not tend to work as well in treating colds and sinus infections. There are also a number of prescription decongestants that your doctor can give you if over the counter remedies do not have the desired effect.

Anyone can get a sinus infection but those who are born with a deviated septum or an especially narrow sinus opening or those who have suffered an injury to their nose are most susceptible. Either condition makes it harder for mucus to drain, which makes it easier for bacteria to get trapped and grow. It is possible with chronic sinusitis that the situation may arise that the infection may extend into the brain and Sinusitis Treatment cause an infection there and eventually cause death. However, as was stated earlier, this is a rare occurrence and does not happen frequently.

Individuals with weakened immune systems are at risk since they are prone to infections of all kinds. The purpose of sinusitis treatment is to eliminate infection and encourage the sinuses to drain. Many people, including children, get sinus infections after a cold. People with sinusitis may have yellow or green-coloured mucus draining from the nose, facial pain and headache.

