What to Do When You Find Mold Damage

3 min readAug 18, 2023


Photo by Andrew Small on Unsplash

Nobody really wants to find mold damage in their home, but unfortunately it still happens. When you do find mold, it is very important to understand what steps you should take and how to respond. The truth is you probably don’t know if the mold you’re dealing with is toxic or not. But even when it’s not toxic, it can still lead to allergies and health challenges.

Check out these tips for what to do if you find damage from mold in your home!

Don’t Ignore It!

Some people see mold damage and just ignore it. This happens all too often, and it’s a risky move. The thing is, this mold isn’t going to just go away. You won’t wake up one day and discover the mold magically disappeared. Instead, what you will find is that this kind of damage will continue to grow and spread. You certainly don’t want to be the reason that it gets out of control, right?

Take action as soon as you discover mold. Not only will this help reduce the damage, but it will also help to protect your home and everyone in it.

Avoid DIY Fixes for Big Problems

There are some small mold situations that you may be able to tackle with DIY fixes. The problem here is that many people try DIY solutions when the mold damage is well beyond that point. Those DIY fixes are designed for temporary relief or for very small areas.

When you have a larger problem, DIY simply isn’t going to cut it. Plus, you run the risk of not getting all the mold or even spreading it by mistake. It’s simply not worth the risk. Be prepared to find a professional when you’re facing anything more than a few inches of mold.

Be Mindful of Exposure

Some molds are considered toxic. One of the most well-known toxic molds is black mold. Black mold is not always black in color, though, so don’t assume you don’t have it just because of the color. This mold is very toxic and can cause dangerous symptoms or even death in some cases.

Most people exposed are likely to experience symptoms like sneezing, asthma, congestion, coughing, and eye irritations. However, you could also experience more severe symptoms like respiratory infections or worse. There are long-term effects of exposure, so protect yourself and your family.

Hire a Professional Quickly

The best solution when you find mold damage is to quickly find a local professional to help you get rid of the mold. These professional companies are trained and certified to safely handle mold removal, cleanup, and disposal. Do your due diligence to ensure you are hiring a company that is capable, trustworthy, and knows what they are doing.

It’s simply not worth the risk to do this on your own or hire an inexperienced person. Anything that happens during removal could affect the rest of your home. Choose a company with an established reputation for handling mold quickly and efficiently.

