Why Vertical Pipe Restoration is Key to Keeping Your Building Safe

3 min readOct 2, 2023


Photo by the blowup on Unsplash

As a property owner, you’re concerned about keeping your building safe from all kinds of hazards. But water damage can be some of the sneakiest and most dangerous kinds of damage possible. There are many different ways you can prevent water damage depending on the source. Old pipes are a common culprit for water damage. With vertical pipe restoration, you can keep your pipes up-to-date and your property safe. Taking the time to restore old or broken pipes can save you from costly water damage repairs in the future.

How Vertical Pipe Restoration Works

Repairing pipes isn’t always easy, especially with vertical pipes. Their size, shape, and position pose a challenge, and if they’re interior pipes, workers have to drill through the walls to reach them. But new CIPP (cured-in-place pipe) technology makes vertical pipe restoration easier than ever.

With CIPP, vertical pipes are restored from the inside rather than the outside. CIPP liners are inserted using remote access technology and then attached to the host pipe over the damage or even replacing entire sections of old pipelines. The liners are made with a mixed-fiber surface on one side and a resin coating on the other. Once the resin cures, the liner forms a water-tight seal, and pipes are safe to use once more.

The Benefits of CIPP for Vertical Pipe Restoration

New CIPP pipes are more durable and effective than other pipeline replacement options. A newly installed CIPP pipeline lasts up to fifty years, adding more property value than regular pipe restoration. And by not having to break through walls or floors to get to pipes, you don’t have to spend extra time and money on building repairs. CIPP vertical pipe restoration is a cost-effective method that helps prevent water damage in your buildings and adds value to your property.

The Dangers of Water Damage

If your pipes are damaged or old, it’s best not to wait for repairs or restoration. Even a small amount of water can severely damage the structural integrity of your home or cause mold to grow. Old and broken pipes are at a greater risk of leaks and bursts. Getting them repaired as soon as possible is key to keeping your property safe from floods, sinkholes, and other water-related damages.

Where to Get Vertical Pipe Restoration

When getting a pipe restored on your property, you want to make sure you have a trusted company on your side. You’re trusting the safety of your building to strangers, so you want to make sure they know what they’re doing. Hiring a technician who’s trained and certified in vertical pipe restoration is your best bet. Using CIPP can take some time to perfect, and you don’t want to risk an improper job. Taking the time to research a qualified vertical pipe restoration company can ensure your property is dry and safe.

