Long Island Advertising Agency fishbat Provides Client Engagement Tips for Long Island Pediatricians

SEO fishbat
3 min readNov 9, 2022


Patients who take an active role in maintaining their health are more likely to heed medical advice, take measures to improve their health, and maintain regular appointment attendance. When patients aren’t engaged, they are three times more likely to not get their medical needs met and two times more likely to put off getting care.

Long Island advertising agency provides medical software solutions that have made it easier for patients and doctors to communicate in a safe environment, which is altering the way patients engage in healthcare. Keep in mind that when patients are actively engaged in their care, they are more likely to keep their information up to date, which in turn decreases the burden on pediatric care providers to verify that this data is correct.

Improving patient engagement, furthermore, is one of the many important goals of risk management. The first step in getting patients involved in creating a warm and accepting atmosphere for them and their loved ones. It is here that the foundation for timely and effective communication is laid.

1. Engage your patients prior to, during, and following their medical appointment

It’s important to keep patients involved in their care throughout the entire process. Educating patients before they visit you, guiding them through their healthcare journey, and continuing to offer support long after they’ve left your care are all important parts of patient engagement.

Because your target market is children, it is critical that you communicate effectively with their parents and guardians. In this way, Long Island pediatricians must make sure that patients’ families are well-informed, and educated, and have any misunderstandings about their child’s care resolved before sending them on their way. This will allow patients’ families to make more informed decisions about their health, give them faith in their doctor and treatment, and save both the HCP and patient time in the long run.

Keep in touch with your patients even after you’ve sent them home. After they leave your office, your patients still need help, direction, and care. Participation by the patient in the aftercare process has been shown to promote adherence to the aftercare guidelines. Also, showing that you care about your patients even when they aren’t under your care can go a long way toward earning their trust and confidence.

2. Explain difficult concepts with simple terms

Patients are less likely to participate in their care when their doctors utilize jargon and other difficult terms. For patients to be actively involved in their treatment, clear communication is essential, especially in your social media advertising efforts.

Patients will appreciate your efforts to simplify medical jargon and explain concepts clearly. This will aid them when they are in their queries of finding a “pediatric doctor near me.” One study even showed that people often don’t realize how little they know about medical terms.

The obvious remedy is to speak in plain English and stay away from technical medical terms. Explain medical concepts as simply as possible and have patients repeat them so you can evaluate their comprehension.

3. Increase family participation by involving them in the care of the patient

Patient-centered treatment typically does not begin and end with the patient. Pediatric clinical researchers should consider the influence of the patient’s social network, such as their friends and family, while also trying to motivate patients to participate in their care. Family members do more than just take care of someone’s body. They also offer emotional support and hold people accountable.

In order to comply with HIPAA regulations, patients should name family members who may access their records. Remember that more than nine in ten people would want to be able to text their loved one’s care staff.

Patients are more invested in their care when family members are involved in their treatment and care. They are the patient’s advocates outside of the clinic. They explain what the treatment plan means and help the patient follow it.

About fishbat: fishbat is a full-service online marketing agency that takes a holistic business approach to their clients’ digital marketing programs. The fishbat team understands the importance of business principles just as well as the nuances of the latest digital technologies. fishbat offers every digital marketing service available from digital marketing research and planning to brand development to website and asset creation through social media management and search engine optimization programs — all custom calibrated for both B2B and B2C businesses.

