Technical SEO Consultant — Technical SEO Services
Technical SEO Services
See, here’s the thing.
You can have a gorgeous looking website.
You can have awesome well-written content from industry experts.
You can have backlinks from leading and renowned websites supporting you with a fantastic domain rating across all the pages of your site.
However, if your website’s technical SEO isn’t up to scratch, at best your SEO performance is going to be seriously impeded and at worst, you’re not going to rank for anything (you can see examples of that in my SEO case studies below).
Just to quickly introduce myself:
I’m Harry, a Technical SEO consultant who has been practicing SEO the past 5 years and you can contact me via LinkedIn (below) or through my email here:
Why Do You Need Technical SEO?
Technical SEO makes up one of the three key components of SEO.
Those being:
i) On Page SEO
ii) Off Page SEO
and of course iii) Technical SEO
Weakness in anyone of these three areas is the cause behind a website not performing as well as it should be.
I always, like to use the analogy of a race car with these three aspects.
Think of it like the following.
On Page SEO (the content of the website) is the racing driver, the better the content and how it has been optimised, the better the driver.
So if there is very little content on your website and the pages haven’t been set up to target appropriate keywords, you’ve got a bad racing driver.
Really great content, that’s set up to target the right keywords, you’ve got a primed and experienced Lewis Hamilton at the wheel.
On Page SEO = The Driver.
Off Page SEO (backlinks and aspects that don’t feature on your site) is the engine, the more and higher quality backlinks your site has, the more powerful your engine.
If you have very few backlinks to your site, you are essentially driving around the track in a 1 Litre. If you’ve got plenty of backlinks from leading websites, you’ve got a 4.0 Liter, Twin-Turbocharged, V-8 Engine on your hand. It’s going to go faster.
Off Page SEO = Power of the Car.
Now, it’s great if you have an awesome engine and fantastic driver i.e great content with plenty of backlinks to your website but if your technical aspects are broken are poor.
The racing car isn’t going to live up to its potential.
So think of Technical SEO as the technical aspects of the car that make everything run smoothly. If he has a faulty gear box, Lewis in his V8 4.0 liter engine isn’t going to be going very fast.
Likewise, if your robots.txt is set up wrong. You’re not going to be getting any traffic either, no matter how many backlinks and quality content you’ve got.
Technical SEO = Technical Aspects of the Car.
It’s quite unique as it is the sort of missing gap between marketers and coders. A developer doesn’t quite know what you need to do in order to appease Google’s complex algorthim, whereas the marketer doesn't know how to code the fix.
Technical SEO combines both.
When do you absolutely need a Technical SEO Consultant?
Any time when there is some sort of site changeover process.
Whether you are moving from Magento to Shopify, changing domain name or are just having a general change with the site.
It’s crucial to consult a technical SEO, otherwise, you could face an SEO horror story.
Where one day your traffic was riding high on organic traffic from Google and the next — absolutely nothing.
No thought was given to redirect, internal linking structure, content and meta data transfer and so on.
What often happens, is that a new website design is proposed, a web designer is brought into make the changes — but zero thought — has gone into the SEO fo the site.
Then businesses are often left wondering…
Why with a better looking website? More up to date content? Have I got less than half the organic traffic than I did before.
The answer.
Technical SEO.
You can recover lost traffic (and potentially £1000’s of lost revenue) after a site transfer or protect yourself from potential lost traffic with consulting a Technical SEO Freelancer (just like myself).
What Actually is Involved With Technical SEO?
Ok that’s enough analogies.
So what’s actually involved with technical SEO?
The best way I like to explain technical SEO to clients is to ask them if they were a search engine what kind of factors would you like to see in a website for one to rank above another.
So for instance, if Website A and Website B had the same sort of quality content on it and the same number of backlinks from similar websites i.e. all things being equal.
- If Website A was secure and Website B wasn't?
- If Website A was faster than Website B?
- If Website A was easy and friendly to use on mobile but Website B wasn’t?
These technical aspects are properly going to go in the favour of Website A as the website is secure with an SSL certificate and you can see this if you website url starts with HTTPS rather than HTTP.
If Website A is a faster website than Website B, again you can easily check for this with websites such as as well as compare your own site with your competitors to see how you compare.
Is your website easy to use on mobile compared to your competitors. Again, there are tools out there to see if you webiste is deemed mobile friendly. Head to Google’s own special tool here:
It’s these types of factors that we are trying to uncover and sort in technical SEO to try and give you the edge.
It’s essentially resolving any potential problems that Google might have with your website.
The goal is to appease Google in terms of crawlability as well as usability as best as you can.
You want to make it nice and easy.
The art of good technical SEO is there doesn’t look like there has ever been any issue at all.
Getting Started
So how do we start?
It all begins with an SEO audit.
I go into a lot more detail about the SEO Audit services that I offer right here and all the aspects that I will look at with your site.
But, carrying on the analogy — an SEO Audit should basically be considered as the ultimate MOT and inspection of your website.
We will cover the website from start to finish, manually checking if the site is performing how it should be.
Ultimately, what we want to be finding — is where it doesn’t pass — and fails.
Because, where it fails — their lies opportunity for it to improve its rankings.
For instance, if we came back to report that the website is running way too slow, and there are a whole range of fixes that can be carried out to improve the website speed vastly.
This is fantastic news for you.
As this is a clear win — that you can take — that will likely improve your website’s rankings and therefore the end result for your site.
In all, we look at over 200 types of technical SEO ranking factors — and there are very few sites out there that pass all the factors.
Here are some of the areas we will manually cover:
- Mobile friendliness
- HTML Tags
- Internal Pages
- External Pages
- Content Quality
- Images
- Internal Linking
- URL Structure
- Localisation
- Social Tags
- Page Speed
- And much, much more.
Each factor will come with a specific reason as to why we look at it, what are the issues, where the issues lies and most importantly how you can actually go about fixing it, and how you will know it has been fixed.
See, the issue is this.
A lot of technical SEO audits, are just data dumps.
They pass you on a load of information, spreadsheets, anecdotes and little graphics — but you’ve got no idea as to what you’re meant to be doing with this information.
Leaving you wondering exactly what you have paid for.
It’s just like the plumber coming down to tell you everything that’s wrong with the boiler from a technical stand point, and then charging you for it.
Instead, we conduct SEO audits in a way where you will know how to fix the site yourself.
Then if you would like us to go ahead and fix it, we are happy to do that too.
Why Not Just Get a Free SEO Audit?
There’s actually a bunch of pretty handy free SEO audit tools out there actually.
For instance, make sure you check out the following:
These are pretty great tools in fairness and are completely free.
There’s more too.
You will even see some SEO agencies offer “Free” SEO audits too.
The issue?
They are all completely automated, they will give you top line stuff and won’t actually get to the crux of the issue — which is…
Why aren’t you ranking in better in Google.
Sure, it’s nice to know that you are missing a meta description or that your meta title is over long — but what it won’t let you know is that the title of your page isn’t properly set up in the first place to target the keyword you want.
Subtleties and details like this have to be carried out manually.
I.e. by a human spending time actually analysing and interpreting the data that these type of tools present.
You essentially get what you pay for.
A free SEO Audit is all well and good, it will point out some of the errors on your site but what it won’t offers you is context.
It’s the context of knowing why and actually if something is wrong is what will help you actually make headway with your organic traffic in Google.
It’s knowing what exactly to do with that information once you’ve got it.
Type of Site
Whether you are trying to rank and improve an ecommerce site or a national lead generation.
Or perhaps you are just looking to carry out a local SEO campaign, then technical SEO is still very much needed to ensure that everything is being crawled correctly.
Ultimately, if you are trying to actively get organic leads or sales from your website — then technical SEO is something that you are going to need to look into.
SEO Freelancer Vs Agency
Now you might be trying to weigh up whether to go with a Technical SEO Agency or a Technical SEO Freelancer.
Being a Technical SEO Consultant, I am of course biased.
However, having worked as a Senior SEO Consultant at a leading technical SEO Agency.
I can safely say.
There’s really not much more an SEO agency can offer that a consultant freelancer can other than a much, much heftier price for practically the same (if not a poorer standard of work).
Ultimately, I’m more concerned with getting your website results and a positive ROI, rather than an employee aiming to fill a set number of hours.
Of course, if you have any potential questions for myself as a Technical SEO Consultant and would like to know more about my technical SEO services, you can either shoot me across an email at or to message me through LinkedIn.
I’ll be more than happy to help.
SEO Case Studies
A client based in London that has had a technical SEO audit carried out, that pin pointed all the aspects that need improving. As a result of completing the majority of the tasks (that are associated with priorities), the website started gaining rankings very quickly.
An Ecommerce website that has undergone two SEO audits, the first in mid July and the second after the September update. The website has gone on to perform remarkably well, essentially almost increasing their organic traffic by 300%.
Technical SEO is your bedrock. The foundation for your website. It should be part of any SEO strategy to get that right first, then move onto getting great content, then finally sorting out the off page elements.
While most SEOs are focused on external factors such as links to your website (which they do not control), a technical SEO consultant like myself is concerned with internal changes that are 100% within my control.
Attention to the finest details is what allows you to have one website get an edge over the other and see a vast improvement in organic traffic. Thus, benefiting Ecommerce sales, lead generation and just overall visibility.
Plus, you can have confidence in your website that it will rank for time to come as you are abiding by what Google is telling you to do. Carrying out a good technical SEO audit, will stand you in good stead for when algorithmic updates come around.