4 min readApr 10, 2019

Bleeding Piles: Home Remedies, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Piles, medically known as hemorrhoids, is nowadays very common ailment and can be caused by many factors. Anything from hereditary to severe constipation can cause this extremely uncomfortable physical condition. When the veins lining the anal canal and lower rectum swell up, and it hinders easy passage of bowel movement and causes bleeding, you realize it is an instance of hemorrhoids.

Generally, piles are not troublesome and go away on their own after a few days. But, they should not be ignored as they increase the risk of colorectal cancer. This can occur in any age group but most commonly in Piles can affect anyone at any age, but they mostly affect oldsters and pregnant ladies. Piles in its initial stage can be treated at home with maintaining a proper diet and minimal medical interventions.

Piles are classified into four grades:

Grade I: Inflammation is present inside the linings of the anus which is not visible.

Grade II: Even though the condition is worse than grade 1 piles, it also remains inside the anus. During the passage of stools these get pushed out but they return unaided.

Grade III: They appear outside the anus and are commonly known as prolapsed haemorrhoids. The person might feel them hanging from the rectum, but they can be easily re-inserted.

Grade IV: These permanently remains outside the rectum. They cannot be pushed back in and need to be treated.

External piles form small lumps outside the anus. They exhibit symptoms like itching and severe pain with bleeding Thrombosed external piles needs to be immediately treated.

Home Remedies For Bleeding Piles

1. Fresh Aloe vera Gel

Aloe vera gel is an exceptionally best drug of choice for hemorrhoids and various skin conditions Due to its anti-inflammatory property it calms the pain. It’s very safe for topical application. The gel soothes the anal region thereby reducing the burning sensation if any.

Aloe vera is an ingredient in many products but pure aloe vera gel acts better and faster on hemorrhoids. Rarely in some people, aloe vera exhibits allergic reactions, so check for allergic reaction by rubbing the pulp in your forearm. Wait 24 to 48 hours. If no reaction occurs, it is safe to use.

How to use:

Scrape out the fresh pulp from the aloe leaves. Apply it in the anal region, in the site of piles.

2. Warm sitz bath with Epsom salt

Warm sitz baths can help soothe the irritation caused due to hemorrhoids. Sitz bath is a small plastic tub that fits over a toilet seat or a tub setup. According to recent studies, taking a warm sitz bath for 20 minutes after the evacuation of stools will be most effective. Harvard Health also states that adding Epsom salts to the sitz bath can provide further relief by reducing pain.

Sitz bath is efficient in reducing the inflammation and promotes blood flow to the anogenital area. This helps in reducing the discomfort caused due to hemorrhoids.

3. Coconut oil Application

Coconut oil is considered to be the best natural moisturizer, which checks on hemorrhoid symptoms. The oil application helps to reduce the irritation and swelling, and it reduces the urge to scratch.

4. Garlic for piles

Garlic is an ideal solution for many diseases which we come across in day to day life. This has been widely used to treat different types of piles.

For external hemorrhoids, take 3–4 cleaned garlic cloves and boil in water for 10–15mins. Strain and cool this water. Soak the cotton pad in this water and place it on the anus for 10 to 15 minutes.

For internal hemorrhoids, peel a garlic clove and soak in water for a while and squeeze and take out the juice out of it. Soak the cotton pad in the juice and insert this in the rectum and leave it overnight. This shall be repeated thrice daily.

Garlic possesses anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties which will help to relieve the pain and swelling easily.

5. Jatyadi oil Application

This Ayurveda medicine is one among the most effective remedy which is opted by the physicians for treating piles and anal fissure. The wound healing property of this oil supports in curing piles.

How to use Jatyadi oil?

In a bathtub, fill one-fourth with lukewarm water and add the Jatyadi oil to it. Sit in the bathtub with the affected area exposed directly to the warm water. This can be done for 10mins. Repeat this twice or thrice a day.

Lifestyle changes

The dietary habits and body weight adds to the risk of developing piles. Consumption of food rich in fiber manages the easy evacuation of bowel movements. This prevents constipation and helps to keep the stools regular and soft

Body weight — Maintaining an optimum weight reduce the incidence and severity of piles.

This are the home remedies for Bleeding Piles can cure naturally at home