Bitumen production

3 min readOct 17, 2022


the viscous fluid that comes out of the ground is unprocessed hydrocarbons which are called crude oil.

crude oil is a fossil fuel which is made up of decaying plants and animals inhabiting the oceans.

In the first process, they distill crude oil by parts and in a physical form that each of these parts has a different boiling point .

This operation take place in distillation or separation towers, which it produces various items such as: oil, diesel and etc.

Bitumen is one of the important petroleum products which is made up by crude oil. Bitumen production is take place according to continuous and discontinuous process.

Of course, you should note that in addition to the production, the Bitumen maintenance method is also very important.

Bitumen maintenance

You should take care of Bitumen at very low temperature. For example:

The safe temperature of Bitumen for specific operations is 2005 institute.

And for normal tasks, You need to consider temperatures 10 to 50 degrees Celsius higher than the pumping temperature.

The safe temperature of control for Bitumen storage is 230 degrees Celsius ,and this temperature should not exceed.

But if you want to keep Bitumen without added material for a long time, For example more than a week, temperature should decrease between 20–25 degrees Celsius above the softening point of Bitumen.

And if it’s possible,stop the circulation .

When they store Bitumen in storage, they have to it intermittently. especially when they use of a direct flame to heat the Bitumen and the temperature may reach over 300 degrees Celsius.

When you soften the Bitumen , the temperature can be higher than 300 degrees.

Because Bitumen is a viscous liquid that the circulation of heat convection spreads throughout it.

And other high heat doesn’t cause any problems for Bitumen.

If you carry Bitumen correctly, you can heat it for a considerable period of time or keep at high temperatures without negative effects on the characteristics of Bitumen.

Types of Bitumen

Based on Bitumen’s production origin, It has been placed under processes and divided into different types, we mention two of them:

1) Bitumen 60/70 has a degree of permeability between 60/70 and is produced through vaccum batuum of the distillation column .

2) Bitumen vg30 is produced through aeration of vaccum bottom distillation column.

Application of 60/70 Bitumen and vg30 Bitumen in temperature climate is very high and people use it for road construction and insulation.

They use 90% of Bitumen for road construction and use only 10% of it for insulation and bathroom floors.

and vg30 Bitumen storage 60/70

  • Store in clean and covered places.
  • Avoid contact with water,snow and cold
  • Ventilation must be used to store Bitumen in closed warehouses
  • Storage warehouses should be away from combustibles and flammable gases

60/70 Bitumen and vg30 Bitumen are used to produce liquid Bitumen

Bitumen market review

In the Bitumen market,we face four main problems that we mention:

1.Bitumen producing Companies have negative competition with each other.

  1. The ministry of roads and urban development receives subsidized Bitumen .

3.They produce Bitumen with low quality .

4.Small producers sell Bitumen in the global market cheaply.

But member of a executive commission confirmed the use of the exchange and the elimination of subsidized Bitumen to the Ministry of Roads and Urban development to solve the problems in the internal and external fields.

The The price of the Bitumen varies according to the high and lower prices of the daily dollar .

