How to run a Minikube on Apple Silicon M1

Sophie Kwon
2 min readOct 5, 2021


Recently I had a chance studying k8s on my end. To setup the k8s, ideally plural instances are necessary; one would be the master (Control Plane in the diagram below) and the other one would be the slave node. However, Minikube enables using the k8s on the local machine by putting the components of the master and nodes together.

Concept of k8s from the official document

Especially I’m using M1 Macbook so some of the pre-requisite was not able to be installed from Homebrew. Here’s what I followed to start the Minikube instance.

First, install Docker. Please skip if you already installed it, but make sure you turn it on before proceeding the next steps.

After that, we install the Minikube for M1 chip. With the curl below, it will download and install it.

curl -LO
sudo install minikube-darwin-arm64 /usr/local/bin/minikube

Once the download is done, we are ready. Please run the command below, which specifies the driver as Docker and enables the log to see the detailed log output.

minikube start --driver=docker --alsologtostderr

That’s it! Now you can see the minikube instance is running on your M1 Macbook.

