What is Xanthelasma; its causes and treatment?

Dan Miller
3 min readDec 20, 2016


Looking good is the heart desire of most human beings and the look of your skin is one of the ways through which you can look good. Due to the importance of the skin in the way that you look it is always a cause of concern or worry to you when you start discovering that certain skin disorders are cropping up on your skin and making your skin lose the shine and the glow that it used to have. One of such skin disorders is the Xanthelasma which can be better understood by going and reading the contents of this site https://xanthelasmatreatment.com/.

What is Xanthelasma all about?

If you are just hearing about this skin medical condition, you might be wondering what it is all about and you might also be desirous to learn more about it. The Xanthelasma is a skin medical condition that affects the eyelids of the eyes in most cases and it has to do with when plaques that are yellowish in color appear around your eyes. It occurs mostly on the upper lids of your eyes than on the lower lids. It can be calcareous, semisolid and soft in appearance. They are mostly symmetrical in appearance and more often than not it affects the 4 eyelids. It has the tendency of progressing, coalescing and becoming permanent in nature. The term Xanthelasma is gotten from 2 Greek words — Xanthos which means yellow and Elasma which means a “beaten metal plate”.

What are the health signals of Xanthelasma?

Knowing what Xanthelasma is all about is very important just as it is equally important for you to know what the health signals for it is. The health signals will help let you know what its causes are and what its appearance signifies in your body. This is a skin disorder that appears in your body when you have a very high level of cholesterol in your body. It is equally an early sign that shows you that you are about to suffer for a heart or even a liver condition that may be as a result of heavy drinking that is, a high consumption of alcohol. When you start seeing the appearance of any yellowish thing around your eyelids no matter how soft it is, it will be very necessary that you rush and see your medical practitioner for tests and proper diagnosis that will lead to an early treatment.

The treatment of Xanthelasma

Once it is detected early, it can be treated on time before it gets worse. This skin disorder can be treated after some tests have been run and a proper diagnosis have been given. The major treatment lies mostly on the treatment of the disorder of the underlying lipid like the high level of the LDL in the body. The treatment of the cholesterol will lead to the decrease of your body cholesterol level and the yellowish color around your eyes. Topical acid can also be made use of for its treatment and it is best to be done in an interval of 4 weeks. Solution for this skin disorder can also be found in this site https://xanthelasmatreatment.com/.

