Learn about the Quartz Scheduler

Seonggil Jeong
4 min readNov 26, 2022


java : 11
springBoot : 2.7.5
Part 1 : Learn about the Quartz Scheduler
Part 2 : Implementing Scheduler with Quartz Scheduler with SpringBoot
part 3 : Implement sending alerts at specific times per user with QuartzScheduler

I will write a series of what I learned while implementing push notification service using Quartz Scheduler

This article explains the theoretical content and the setting of the environment

When you work on a project, you sometimes have to run method every certain period of time and cycle
Most would have used a spring scheduler

I’m going to use the Quartz Job Scheduler to create simple or complex schedules

What is Quartz?

Quartz is a work scheduling library developed by
a company called Terracotta.
Quartz can run tens to thousands of tasks and supports complex scheduling in simple interval formats or Cron expressions.
For example, you can specify what to do every Friday at 1:30am, what to do on the last day of the month or what to do five minutes before a specific time

Pros and Cons

As always, every technology has its pros and cons


  1. Provides Clustering between schedulers based on DB
  2. Supports system Fail-over and random load distribution
  3. Provides In-memory Job Scheduler
  4. Shutdown HookPlugin
    catches JVM shutdown event and notifies scheduler of shutdown
  5. LoggingJobHistoryPlugin
    It can be useful for debugging by leaving a log for Job execution
  6. Enables dynamic scheduling
    can make the contents that worked at 9 o’clock today work at 10 o’clock tomorrow without any modification


  1. It provides clustering capabilities, but because it is a simple random approach, load balancing between clusters is not complete.
  2. It does not provide UI, so it must be implemented directly if necessary
  3. History for scheduling execution is not archived

Quartz Architecture and Components


an interface to be implemented by components that you wish to have executed by the scheduler

public class SampleJob implements Job {

private TestRepository testRepository;

public void execute(JobExecutionContext context)
throws JobExecutionException {
System.out.println(this.getClass().getName() + "Sample Job Start! [ "
+ LocalDate.now() + " ]");


The JobDataMap is an object that stores information that is available when the Job instance runs


It is an object that contains information for executing the Job
Includes Job name, group, JobDataMap attribute, etc

public <T extends Job> JobDetail buildJobDetail(Class<? extends Job> job, SampleJobRequest request) {

JobDataMap jobDataMap = new JobDataMap(); // job Data Map
jobDataMap.put("executeCount", 1); // put Data

return JobBuilder.newJob(job)


I think this is the core object of the Quartz Scheduler.
Trigger contains scheduling condition(ex. number of iterations, start time) to execute the job, and the scheduler performs the job based on this information.

The Relationship Between Trigger and Job

  • Trigger (1) : Job(1)
    One Trigger must be designated as one Job
  • Trigger (N) : Job(1)
    One Job can be run multiple times at different times
  • Trigger (1) : Job(N) (X)
    One Trigger cannot have more then One Job

Cron trigger and simple trigger

  • SimpleTrigger
    You can run the Job at a specific time
private Trigger buildTrigger() {
SimpleTriggerFactoryBean triggerFactory = new SimpleTriggerFactoryBean();


return triggerFactory.getObject();

  • CronTrigger
    Create a trigger using cron
    It can make more complex schedules (ex. running every few minutes from 2 pm to 4 pm on the first day of every month)
private Trigger buildCronTrigger() {
CronTriggerFactoryBean CrontriggerFactory = new CronTriggerFactoryBean();
CrontriggerFactory.setCronExpression("2 * * * * *");

try {
} catch (ParseException e) {
return CrontriggerFactory.getObject();

Misfire Instructions

Misfire means operation failure
Occurs when the Scheduler exits or when no threads are available in the thread pool
Support various policies on how Scheduler handles Misfire Triggers



Listener is an interface provided by Quartz to receive events from the Scheduler

  • JobListener
    Operates when job is started and ended
  • TriggerListener
    You can receive an event when a trigger occurs or fails, or when completing a trigger


Job and Trigger can be stored in memory or DB

Quartz Components

See the link below for more information

